Chapter Sixteen

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We got to Hawaii late last night. Today were gonna go to the beach. Most of us are. We can do anything we want, its just who goes to Hawaii and not go to the beach?


The sound of someone knocking on the door woke me up. Correction; Us.

"Who the hell?" Emily muttered under her breath stumbling to the door. I heard a click and saw Emily stumble back in an fall back on the bed. Okay then?

I was fixing to doze back off, until someone wrapped their arms around me. I squeeled in surprise. "What the hell?" I said. "It's just me." Justin said laughing. "Oh. You scared me." I said grabbing his hand. "Sorry babe." He said kissing my cheek. "Lets go to the beach." He said. "What time is it?" I asked. "12:30." He replied smirking. "Oh. Damn." I said hopping out of the bed. "I'll be in the shower" I said "Want me to come?" He asked smirking. "I'll pass." I replied laughing. "You guys make me sick." I heard Emily mutter. I rolled my eyes and got in the shower.

I think i'm going to enjoy this trip.


When i got out of the shower i dried off quickly. I blow dried my hair and slipped my Pink bikini and swim-cover over it. (Outfit in external link)

I walked out and saw Emily gone and Justin asleep on my bed. Seriously? I walked over and sat beside him. "Wake up." I whispered. Nothing. I smirked and leaned down. I pressed my lips to his for a few seconds. I pulled back and saw him smirking with his eyes closed. "Jerk." I laughed hitting him. "Let's go!" He said grabbing my hand. I barley had time to put my shoes on. Where does he get this energy? Geesh.


We got downstairs and saw everyone downstairs in the breakfast room. We let go of eachothers hands and went our seperate ways. I hate having to be so secretive. But i guess its the price of being with Justin Bieber? I guess so.

"Well, well. The lovebirds finally arrive." Emily said smirking. I laughed and hit her. "Shut up." I said sitting down. "No one else knows?" Julian asked giving me a cup of juice. "Nope. You guys.." I said drinking some of the orange juice. "Well. He's not being that secret, when he can't take his eyes off of you." Emily whispered smirking. I rolled my eyes and looked over at him, sure enough he was looking at me. I gave him a look and he turned back to Alfredo. I think Alfredo knows something because he smirked and rolled his eyes when Justin looked back towards him.

"Can i talk to your for a second hun?" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Pattie smiling at me. I nodded smiling. Holy crap, what is going on? I got up and followed her to the lobby. I snuck a glance towards Justin and saw him wide-eyed. 'What' He mouthed. I shrugged my shoulders and kept up with Pattie.

When we got to the lobby we sat down on one of the couches. I looked at her fiddling with my fingers nervously. Am i in trouble? I hope not. Does she know?

"How long have you and Justin been together?" She asked smiling. My breath hitched in my throat. Oh God she does know. "W-what?" I stuttered nervously. We were so carefull. I thought.

"Sweetie, I can tell. Justin hasn't been this happy in a while. Whenever you walk in the room his eyes light up, and he smiles so happily. It isn't fake happiness anymore." She said smiling at me. "So. Your not mad? I replied confused. But smiling at the thought of making Justin happy. I've also noticed how i don't really fake smiles anymore either. I smiled a the though and looked towards Pattie again.

"Heavens no. I'm happy for y'all." She giggled. "Oh. Good." I said. "What about Scooter?" I asked nervous again. "He knows too. We pretty much figured when both of you dissapear and re-appear at the same time everyday." She smirked. "Yeah. I guess we weren't that good at hiding anything." I said laughing. Guess we weren't that carefull. "Not really." She said laughing with me. "But. What do we do about everyone else?" I asked. "We still hide our relationship?" I asked curious. I don't want to hide us anymore. It's hard and i feel weird doing it. I want everyone to know he's mine and i'm his.

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