Chapter Twenty- Four

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Enjoy my loves. :)

Song - Come and get it - Selena Gomez


Previously -

I looked at Sadie then to Justin and closed my eyes.

When i was almost into 'dreamland' i heard a quiet voice say from near me;

"Holy shit. Justin Bieber?" The quiet tired voice said.


I shot up from my seat - In Justins lap - which made him shoot his eyes open shocked by my movement. I looked over in front of me and saw Sadie with wide-eyes looking between Justin and i.

"What happend?" She asked confused and tired. She started to lift up, but quickly layed back down from pain. "You got in an accident." I said softly trying not to overwhelm her with noice - and trying not to jump up and down and hug her life crazy - but i contained myself; thankfully. She layed there looking around for a bit, before she layed her eyes back on me. "The last thing i remember is a huge truck coming towards my car." She said before drinking some water and continuing. "I had just got my out of country liscence, i was so excited i must not have been paying attention." She said drinking some more water.

"It hurts." She stated. I nodded and quickly pressed the button for nurse help - thinking i probably should've done this as soon as she woke - A few short moments later, Nurse Kathy walked in smiling. "What do y-" She stopped short when she saw Sadie awake. "Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed. "You're awake." She said. "I'm gonna go get the Doctor!" She said before sprinting out of the room.

"Now back to my first statement." Sadie said lifting a bit. "Holy shit. Justin Bieber." She said looking behind me and to Justin who was standing being me now wide-awake. I laughed a bit and nodded. "Why are you in my room though?" She asked just as the Doctor and Nurse Kathy walked in. She gave me a look as to say 'we'll talk later' I nodded a bit and sat down in the chair. Justin grabbed my hand and a gave me a reasurring squeeze. He leaned down and whispered; "I told you."

I rolled my eyes.

"Well, well. Lookie who's awake." The doctor said walking over to the computor next to the bed and started checking things off. "Yeah." She said rolling her eyes. I laughed and shook my head lightly. Yup. Sadie's back.

Ever since i met her she's been a natural smart ass.

I looked over at Justin and saw him already looking at me. I winked playfully, making him wink back. I giggled quietly. Yes. I giggled. Oh, what love has done to me. I rolled my eyes mentally.

"Okay, Sadie. You're vitals are looking rather nice, and all of your wounds are healing pretty quickly too, hopefully you can get out of here soon, i'm sure you'll be sick of it soon." The doctor said shock and happiness clear in her voice. I smiled excitedly and look over towards Sadie who also look rather happy...and tired. "Get some rest, and i'll be in a little later to check up on you." The doctor said before waving and leaving the room, with Nurse Kathy trailing behind her.

I smiled happily. I'm so happy, my bestfriend is awake, and okay. I couldn't ask for anything better.

"Now, can you please explain why Justin Bieber is in my hospital room?" She asked a new kind've excitment in her voice. I heard Justin laugh. "He came to visit." I stated. "That's it?" She asked smirking. Before i could say anything she interjected. "Cause, you're holding hands is adorable." She said winking at us. I rolled my eyes laughed along with her and Justin. "Yeah." I said scared she might get mad. "That's so adorable!" She said clapping her hands. My eyes went wide and i heard Justin laugh. "You're dating?" She asked winking. "Yep." Justin said before i could. "Oh my God. My bestfriend is dating Justin Bieber." She said clapping. "If you want to put it that way, yeah." I said.

I couldn't be more happy. I have my bestfriend okay, and awake, and i have possibly the best boyfriend in the world by my side.


Updateee! I'm so sorry i've not been updating that much, my life has decided to decend from its boring-ness to busy, and i don't like it very much. I would just love to go back to the boring life i used to have that consisted of stalking Justin and 1D. But, its kinda hard when school and work decided to need me. So, yeah. :) x

I would like to clear up some -maybe- confusion about Selena Gomez... They were NOT together when i started this story, but even if they were, it wouldn't matter. This story isnt true or anything. But, now that they're supposedly back together, its whatver. Its not gonna stop me from writing. :) Love you all, goodbyeee(: x

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