Chapter Thirty - Three

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Song - We Can't Stop - Miley Cyrus 

Amazing song, btw.


"So?" Emily asked when i walked back into the studio with a real smile on my face. I just shrugged and mimicked zipping my lips with my fingers. She squeeled jumping a bit, before sitting down quickly by the glances she was getting from some of the other crew.

I hid my laugh with a cough, and sat down beside her, taking a swig from my water bottle.

"Okay guys! You're all dismissed. Rehearsal tomorrow at 8:00 sharp! We have a concert tomorrow night!" Scooter said towards everyone.

Everyone either nodded or said their share of 'okays'.

"Well, i'm off to take a nap. Have fun with your lover." Emily said skipping out of the studio with Julian who threw me a wink. I rolled my eyes, and turned towards my stuff, packing my water and zipping it up.

"Lover, eh?" Someone said putting their arm around me, making me jump. I turned my head and saw Justin with a smirk on his face clearly satisified with my reaction. I rolled my eyes, but wasn't able to hide my smile.

"Wanna go hang out in my room?" He asked slipping his phone into his pocket. I nodded and he grabbed my hand, leading us out of the dance studio that was now deserted of people taking advantage over getting to have free time for the rest of the day.

I couldn't help but have the guitly feeling still sticking at the bottom of my stomach. I'm quite surpised he took me back. I was convinced he hated me, "I could never hate you." He said breaking me from my thoughts. I looked up at him alarmed by his words. He chuckled before answering, "You said your thoughts out loud; again." I grunted.

I thought i had gotten over that.


"What do you wanna do?" I asked as he closed the hotel room door.

"Whatever you want." He said smiling. He leaned over and kissed my cheek lightly, making me pink a bit in the cheeks. He still had the same effect on me, like always.

"Why did you take me back?" I blurted. If i could i'd give myself the 'really, bitch?' look if i could. Damn, me and my sudden blurts of words.

He seemed caught off gaurd, but he only stepped closer, making me unintenionally step back and hit the wall behind me. "Simple," He said bringing his face closer to mine, making me think he was gonna kiss me, but he went for my ear, his warm breathe giving me chills up and down my spine. "I love you." He finished kissing my ear, making me grunt with annoyance. Why must he do this, to me?

He pulled back with a knowing smirk, before pressing his lips to mine with no warning. Shocked, I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck, pushing more into him, deepining the kiss even more. He swiped his tounge across my bottom lip, making me open my mouth, letting him enter his tounge into my mouth. A small moan came from the back of my throat, making him smirk into the kiss. I internally scolded myself having give him the satisfaction he craved.

He put his hands on my waist slowly making his way down my back, before pulling away from my lips, both of us breathing equally as hard. I saw his brown eyes stare into my blue ones, before he leaned in trailing kisses up and down my neck. Yup, i'm gonna have a love bite. He attached his lips back up to mine. "Jump." He said against my lips, i did as told and he lifted me up wrapping my legs around his torso, and he started walking before we landed on the bed him ontop of me.

He pulled away from the kiss and gave me a questioning look; i only nodded in responce.

I want this. I want him. I want him to be my first. I love him, and he loves me. Why not share that, together?

He slowly lifted my shirt above my head shoving it off the bed, leaving me in only my bra and shorts. He attached his lips back down onto mine and i pulled away, pulling at his shirt, he lifted some giving me access into taking it off. I slipped it off, and he started kissing up my neck and down to my chest.

"Are you sure?" He asked against my lips. I just nodded, before he leaned down and started un-buttoning my shorts.

"Justin!" Scooters voice was heard from outside of the hotel room door, making us jump apart, and make him  grab my shirt tossing it towards me. I quickly slipped it on getting up and buttoning my top  shorts button back, and smoothing my hair out.

"Yeah?" Justin said opening the door still shirtless. "Voice Rehearsal's. I tried calling you." Scooters voice echoed through the room, "Oh, It must be on silent. Sorry, i was trying to sleep." Justin lied, making me smirk. Sleep, my ass.

"Okay. Well, be down in an hour. We have to go to the arena." He said and i heard Justin mutter in agreement, before i heard the door close and a flip of a lock.

Footsteps were heard, "Sorry." Justin said appearing back in the doorway of the room. I smiled at his appearance. Shirtless, jeans, and messy hair. Sexy.

"Its fine," I said laughing a little. "No, it isn't. I just got you back, and i have to leave you again." He stated grabbing my hand and pulling me up, before sitting down bringing me down onto his lap. I wrapped my arm around his neck and started playing with his hair. "Its fine. Really." I said pecking his lips. "I'm still sorry." He said laying back down, bringing me down beside him.

"We can always finish, what we started." He said sending me a cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes laughing. "Nope. Go get dressed popstar." I said before kissing his cheek and standing up.

"I'll see you after reahersal." I shouted walking out of the room, with a satisfied smile set on my face.

That just happend. Well, almost.


Okay, guys. That was super awko for me to write. I felt weird. But, it makes the story more interesting. I don't wanna be to much of a prude, so there you go.

It was also funny to write. I couldn't stop laughing and i don't know why. I always laugh at any awkward situation i'm in. 

Enjoy the gif on the side, you're welcome..

Until next time, - Brookie

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