Chapter Twenty - Seven

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Yup. You're eyes are not deceiving you, this is another update. 2 days in a row... I like this!

Song - That Power -, Ft. Justin Bieber


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"5,6,7,8!" Nick the tour choreographer yelled. He's teaching all of us dancers the moves to a new song 'That Power' with and Justin. It's a pretty complex dance, a few flips are in it, it's also quite fun also.

"Okay! That's good for now, nice job everyone!" Nick said before walking out of the room.

We've been practicing this dance for four and a half hours. Too say we are exhausted is an understatement.

"Oh my God." Emily groaned throwing herself onto the ground. I followed suit, laying flat on my back. Soon pretty much everybody was laying down.

Justin was here for the first hour, until he got called for a interview, lucky bastard.

"Woah. You guys look dead." Someone said walking into the studio. I looked up and saw Justin smirking from the door way. Emily gave him the finger and said a number profanites under her breath. I mentally laughed, too lazy to actually do it. He rolled his eye's sliding down the mirror sitting down.

"Ew. I'm sweaty." Skylar said popping up from the ground. She strolled past winking at Justin on her way, before walking into the bathroom connected to the dance studio. "I'm fixing to cut a bitch." I muttered under my breath. Emily giggled pushing my shoulder with hers.

"Ew. I'm sweaty." Julian mocked sitting up from the ground. I laughed - out loud - this time.

"Okay. Let's do this!" Nick said walking into the room. Numerous groans were heard around the studio, but to no evail we still all got up.

I realized i had to pee, so i went to the bathroom, i heard a voice in there and remebered Skylar was in there still. I was fixing to walk away but heard her say something. I put my ear closer curious as to what she was doing.

"Brittany, please. Do you have anymore information on her? I'm dying here." I heard her say. Who is Brittany? And Information on who? "I need to somehow sabatoge her being with Justin. Justin belongs with me." She squeeled. Oh my God. Brittany? As in my high school enemy?

Before i could stop myself i ran into the bathroom. "Oh my God! Someone is in here!" Skylar panicked, throwing her phone on the ground in the process. I grabbed it and looked at, before putting it to my ear.

"Skylar? Are you there?" I heard Brittany's un-mistakable voice say over the phone. I pressed end before turning over to Skylar.

"You bitch!" I screamed. "Oh shut up!" Skylar said trying to walk past me, but i grabbed her arm twisting her around to me. "You've been talking to Brittany, getting all of this crap on me?" I yelled.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She said smirking. Before i could stop myself, i brought my hand up, slapping her --hard-- across the face. She squeeled flying back and hitting the ground. Oops?

I leaned down to her, and got into her face. "You've been trying to sabatoge my relationship with Justin haven't you?" I accused. She was silent. "You talked to my highschool enemy, getting all of the information, you needed to make my life a living hell." I said. She opened her mouth to speak but i kicked her shin slightly making her wince - but keep her mouth shut - "You were the person that put itching powder in my outfit on the first concert, you found out about my family through Brittany, and you were the source, weren't you?" I seathed.

She was silent her face deadpan, before it slipped into a devious smirk. "You know it, bitch." She snarled, standing up. Before i could see what was happening she had done it. The sting on my face was un-bearable.

She slapped me.

"I'm gonna make you're pop - star dump you're sorry ass, and come to me, like he should've in the first place." She said smirking.

"I don't think so." I heard someone say from the doorway. I shot my head up, my face stinging from the cold air hitting it.

Justin ran into the bathroom, leaning down towards me. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine." I breathed out. He nodded slightly and looked up to a seemingly scared Skylar. Good.

"Who in the hell who do you think you are?" He spat towards her. She shrinked back, at the yelling. Before i could register anything, he grabbed my hand helping me up, before leading me back into the studio where Emily and Julian were. "Stay here." He said kissing me cheek. I nodded slightly, before he sprinted out of the room.

"Oh my God, what happend?" Emily asked alarmed. Julian shot up and ran towards the ice machine in the corner, with the drinks.

"Tell us what happend." Julian said giving me the ice pack, he got me. He pressed it to my face slightly. "Skylar." Is all i said for Emily and Julian to understand. They were pissed, but they stayed put. I need them here, more than beating the shit out of Skylar, which i thrive for. Not gonna lie; slapping her in the face, made me feel amazingly amazing. But, when she got me back, that didn't.

"Did you atleast get her, too?" Emily asked. I nodded a smirk appearing on my face.

I heard a bang, and looked up to Scooter and Kenny walking into the room, with a furious Justin behind them. Scooter ran into the bathroom, with Kenny behind him. Justin turned around and walked to me.

He bent down to my level. "You okay?" He asked sadly. I nodded.

"Get off of me!" I heard someone squeel. We looked up and saw Skylar being carried out, by Scooter and Kenny. Nice.

"I got her fired." Justin said smirking. I smiled at him. "Let's head to the hotel? Its been a long day." He said laughing. I smiled and nodded. He helped me up. "Finally. The bitch is gone." Emily said laughing. We laughed and headed towards the studio doors.

I turned to Justin stopping him. "Thank you." I said smiling. "I'd do anything for you." He said kissing my head.

I guess you could say, if there was a best boyfriend contest. I'd win for having him.

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Nice drama, eh? I thought so! :) Hehe. It was kinda fun to make, not gonna lie. :P

I'll update again latahh. :) x

Follow me on twitter? Essence_ofparis and tumblr

Not the most original name, don't judge, i made it at like 3am.. ;D x


Enjoy the gif of kingsley to the side. Thought it fit the chapter well. :D If you haven't heard of him, look him up on youtube. seriously, the funniest dude on youtube..ever. trust meh. :P x

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