Chapter thirty - six

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Song - Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke, feat - T.I


"Thank you everyone for coming! I love you!" Justin shouted as the lights dimmed. Everyone ran off the stage pumped huge smiles on their faces - especially Justin.

"Amazing, once again!" Emily squealed as we entered the dressing room.

I slipped into the changing room, Emily behind me.

"Atlanta is amazing!" She yelled, adrenaline still pumping through her veins. I laughed and agreed.

We got to Atlanta at about 6 this morning, and we were at the arena for most of the day, today. We were all exhausted beyond belief, but the adrenaline was still pumping strong and probably would stay that way for a while.

After we got dressed and showered, we walked into the main room seeing everyone in there, except Justin. That's weird, where is he?

"Jess!" Alfredo said waving me over. I got up waking towards him.

"Yup?" I asked curious as to why he needed me.

"Can you go get me something to drink?" He asked smiling.

"What? Why can't you do it?" I asked laughing.

"I'm exhausted!" He whined like a 5 year old little girl.

I rolled my eyes, "Why? I've been dancing!" I whined back, equally as immature.

What? He's not the only one capable of doing that.

"Just do it." He said laughing and pushing me out the door. What in the hell.

I shrugged my shoulders walking towards the drinks. Before I could reach the table, someone grabbed my arm stopping me from walking farther. Alarmed I turned around to see Justin smirking at me.

I hit him, "Jerk!" I shrieked putting a hand to my chest.

He laughed even more,"Your face." He gasped from the laughing fit he was having.

"Okay, okay." He said after his fit. "I'm done." He said grabbing my hand, and turning around.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I asked him. Why was he taking me away?

"Were going on a date." He simply stated.


"Let's go!" He cheered, dragging me out of the arena through the back door, where a black escalade was waiting with security Gaurd's already waiting by another car.

He ran over towards the passenger seat opening the door for me, I sat down a smile evident on my face. He got in the drivers seat, before driving towards the main road.

What does he have planned?


"Oh my God." I muttered shocked by where he took me..

"What do you think?" He asked, nervously.

I turned around wrapping my arms around him giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I love it." I smiled.

He smiled clearly satisfied with his choice in venue - The Georgia aquarium. He rented the whole building out, just for our date. I was so touched, I couldn't stop smiling.

"Come on!" I said yanking his arm towards the shark exhibit.

After we saw almost every exhibit in the place, - which is alot seeing as its one of the biggest aquarium's in the world- he started dragging me toward the top floor, where I saw a table set with candles, fruit, and wine, - how he got that, I'm not sure -

It was beautiful, especially with the blue light coming from the walls practically made from water, even the floors were covered with glass, showing the deep blue water below. It was breathtakingly gorgeous.

He led me to the table pulling my chair out for me before sitting in his own across from me.

"So?" He asked smiling. Cocky git. I laughed a little, "I love it, you've out done yourself, again Mr. Bieber." I said as he popped a grape into his mouth, a smirk on his face.

"The best, for the best." He winked, I laughed.

I rose my eyebrow, as he took a sip of wine. "How did you even get that?" I asked as yet another smirk went onto his face. He is seriously always smirking, isn't he?

"I have connections." He simply stated, taking another swig. I rolled my eyes throwing a strawberry at him. He only took the grape from his mouth throwing it at me.

"Ew!" I squealed, picking it up and throwing it back thoroughly grossed out.

"Oh, its not that bad, we practically share spit." He stated winking, making me a bit red in the face.

He did not just go there. I kicked his leg under the table making him jump and groan. It was my turn to smirk.

"Ouch." He whined like a little baby. "What was that for?" He whined, - again.

"For being a perv." I stated throwing a grape into my mouth.

"But, you love it. Don't deny it." He said smiling.

"Eh." I said shrugging, "I could live without it." I said trying to hide my smile. But, failing and started giggling, making him laugh along with me.

After we stopped laughing, I saw the time a he did. "We better get going, we were supossed to let them close over 10 minutes ago." He said getting up. I nodded getting up, he grabbed my hand and we walked outside only to be met by flashing lights and yelling. That's always pleasant.

Justin gripped my hand tighter as security circled around us like human shields. We got into the car quickly, and Justin ripped out of the parking lot.

"I'm so sorry." He said gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles were turning white, I could tell by the way he was speeding down the freeway he was right pissed off.

"Its okay, honest." I said putting my hand on his leg, reassuringly.

No it isn't. The date was ruined." He said, clenching his jaw.

"No it wasn't! Yes, it was a minor setback, but that date was amazing, don't let them ruin it." I said making his face ease and his hands loosen around the wheel, one hand came off grabbing mine.

"I love you." He said smiling.

"I love you, too." I replied mirroring his smile.

This night was truly perfect and I'm not gonna let the stupid paparazzi ruin that for him or myself.


Hope you enjoyed! I'm on my phone - again, so yeah.

Until next time, - Brookie

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