Chapter Forty - One

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Song - Wait a minute - Justin Bieber


                       -          A month and a half later –

“C’mon Jess! The bus is already at the garage!” Emily yelled from down the stairs. I rolled my eyes zipping the rest of my suitcase up and making my way down the stairs slowly just to annoy her. “Better yet, Justin is waiting on you!” She yelled louder. I suddenly picked my pace up tripping a bit on the way but I still made it to my car in one piece. What? It’s been 7 weeks!

“C’mon Emily! We’re gonna be late.” I teased closing the trunk and hopping into the driver’s seat. She came out with a slam of the door, locking it before sprinting to the car or shall I say skipped?

Someone’s excited for the new leg of ‘Believe’, I know I am.

As for the break, we had a pretty chill time which is exactly what we needed. Justin like I expected was ‘Mr. Worldwide’ as the beliebers called it. He was everywhere, but we still talked over Skype every night, and texted throughout the day. We’ve never gone this long without seeing each other and it really sucked, and I’m not going to lie I’ve missed dancing a lot, and its actually quite impossible not too seeing as how I grew up doing it. But, not only am I seeing Justin today, but we also are hitting our one year anniversary, excluding the break ups we went through. Perfect day for it to lay on since it’s the day we’re seeing each other for the first time in 7 weeks.

“We’re here!” Em screamed before hopping out of the car –literally- I got out – normally and opened the trun, grabbing my bag from the floor Emily doing the same before slamming it shut and locking my car. We skipped over toward the waiting bus that half the crew was hanging in front of.

“Jess! Em!” Fredo' screamed running toward us and hugging us in a girly manner making us laugh.

“How was y’all’s break?” He asked slinging his arms around both of our shoulders wedging himself in the middle of us. “Chill.” I said smiling, “Boring.” Em replied with a laugh. I rolled my eyes, wow okay. Didn’t know I was such a bore. I looked around a bit not seeing Justin or his car anywhere. Ugh, I can’t wait to see him he needs to hurry his hot ass up. Yup, I called his ass hot. Don’t judge me.

“Emmy, Jessie!” Someone screeched from behind us making me turn around quickly, seeing a very bubbly Julian sprinting toward us leaving his bags next to the tour bus. We ran toward him, hearing Fredo' laugh in the back, we hugged and screamed a little before we simmered down. This is actually the first time he’s shown his gay. Cute.

“Where’s lover boy?” Julian asked with a wink making me roll my eyes but blush anyways. It never fails.

“He’s on his way.” Fredo' answered for me, I shot my head toward his direction making some of my hair go into my mouth. “How do you know that?” I asked raising an eyebrow. He hasn’t even texted me.

 “He texted me.” He smirked holding his phone out in front of my face, I tried grabbing it but he raised it above my head making me grunt and cross my arms over my chest.

Short people problems.

“Oh, there’s lover boy now.” Em said laughing and walking over to the bus Julian and Fredo behind her. I darted my head toward the Silver Audi coming through the doors of the underground parking garage we were all in. - We were required for security reasons to park our cars down here so the fans wouldn’t find the cars or anything.

I walked over to the bus not wanting to be alone in the middle of the lot and joined Emily on the ground beside the bus, “Why aren’t you running to your knight and shining armor?” She teased, using the worst british accent I’ve probably ever heard.

I shrugged, rolling my eyes. I honestly was kind of nervous. I’m not sure why exactly, but I was. It’s been 7 weeks, what if his feelings have faded? I know stupid question, but it still runs through my mind on a daily. I love him, but what if his feelings have faded since we saw each other last? It’s been dreadful not being with him for such a long amount of time, the only time I saw him was through a computer screen.

“Are you nervous?” She asked smirking. I nodded a bit before crossing my legs and leaning my back against the bus. She laughed a bit before getting up and leaving.

Well then.

A hand suddenly grabbed mine yanking me up, I sqeeeked in shock and crashed into a rock hard chest, well damn. I caught of glimpse of a tattooed arm and I knew who it was.


“Well, hello to you too.” I said wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face into his chest. He grabbed the back of my thighs making me wrap my legs around his waist making me taller than him. I smiled before he leaned up kissing me. Hoots and hollers were echoed across the parking garage, but we ignored them. I didn’t care, and I’m guessing he didn’t either.

We finally pulled away and he shot me a cute smile. “I really missed you.”  He muttered setting me down and grabbing my hand. By now I could tell everyone had already drifted their attention away from us and had gone on with their own conversations. “I missed you, too.” I said giving him a light peck on the lips.

“Oh!” He exclaimed turning around and running toward his car, me still attached to his hand. He unlocked his car reaching in and grabbing a box and a bouquet of a dozen red roses. A small gasp came from my mouth as he handed the box to me. A shy smile was on his face as I opened the box.

Holy shit. Why is he giving me a ring?

“It’s not an engagement ring, so don’t freak out.” He laughed putting me at ease. We are defiantly not ready for marriage.

“It’s a promise ring,” He paused leaning on his car pulling me closer to him, “A promise that I’ll love you forever and I’ll always be here for you.” He finished pulling the ring out of the box and slipping it onto my finger. I smiled, pulling him closer and kissing him softly.

“I love you, too.” I said kissing him again.

“Forever and always.” We muttered at the same time.

I’ve never thought I would meet someone this amazing. And never once did I ever think I would fall in love with Justin Bieber. It seems like a fairytale that would only happen in one’s dreams, but no, it happen to me. I always thought that this kind of love was only found in movies, not real life and never to me. But, I was proved wrong.

We had our own story and that was The Story Of Dance.


Wow okay, the story is over. I'm kind of sad, not going to lie - NO i'm actually really sad - I've had an amazing journey with this story and i love writing so much, yes i'm aware i'm not that good at it, but it makes me happy. Thank you for reading it, and ily all so much! <3

A special thank you to my best friends, Jess (Hstyleslover) and Emily (Cinder_Rose) Thank you so much for helping me and giving me the best advice for this story. Ily guys so much. We may have never met before, but i feel like i've known you forever and you guys have always been there for me and i love you guys! x


Goodbye for now, - Brookie

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