Chapter One

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Eggsy watched on helplessly as Harry made his way out of the church. Harry was covered in blood from the fight that had just happened. Thanks to Valentine! Eggsy wished more then anything he could be there to help Harry but also knew Harry would do anything to protect him from harm. He could see Valentine just outside of the view. Eggsy banged the table with his fist trying to keep his anger inside and not let it out on Harry's butterfly collection. He didn't even notice the door to Harry's flat open and Roxy come in.

"Eggsy? What are you doing in here?" Roxy asked, puzzled as to why Eggsy would be inside Harry's flat especially as he wasn't in Kingsman anymore.

"Doesn't matter." Eggsy quickly answered, not taking his eyes off of the screen.

Roxy rolled her eyes but then saw the concentration on his face. She walked behind him to see what he was looking at.

"Where is this?" Roxy whispered not wanting to make Eggsy mad.

"This church Harry went to. He says it was important and he needed to go there." Eggsy answered beginning to bite his nails.

Roxy put her hands on her hips trying to understand the situation. She grabbed a chair and pulled it up to the desk and watched on. Eggsy didn't really care that she was watching. All eh cared about right now was making sure Harry was alright.

Before Eggsy and Roxy knew it, Valentine had pulled a gun and aimed it at Harry. Eggsy grabbed the table as the gun went off. Roxy gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. She let out weep as Eggsy shouted. 


Arthur turned away from the screen with Merlin taking several steps back as they tried to come to terms with what just happened. Merlin turned with an ice cold glare at Arthur. Arthur knew all too well what this meant. 

"There you go! I told you this was a bad idea and did you listen?!" Merlin shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Merlin calm yourself!" Arthur shouted back just as loud.

"We've just lost our best agent and you're telling me to calm down?! I need to get to Eggsy." Merlin suddenly thought.

"Why? He's not part of this organisation." Arthur just wouldn't let that slip.

Merlin couldn't think of anything else to say. He just opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish. Arthur ignored him and went back to working. He would get Lancelot to deal with it later. Right now, there was more important things to worry about. 

"You're excused Merlin." Arthur murmured, knowing the tech genius was still there.

"Yes sir." Merlin muttered back.

Merlin left the room, throwing his tablet onto the table making Arthur jump. Arthur rolled his eyes and tried to get Lancelot on the line.


"It's Arthur." Roxy mumbled more to herself, getting out of her seat and away from Eggsy.

Eggsy didn't pay her any attention and just stared at the screen.

"Lancelot here." Roxy answered the phone.

"Lancelot, it's Arthur. I'm calling to tell you that Galhad is dead." Arthur's voice came booming down the line.

"I know sir. I'm here with Eggsy and we've...." Roxy wasn't able to finish her sentence.

"Right. I need you back at base as soon as you can. A meeting will need to be called about this and it needs to be soon." Arthur seemed unbothered about the whole thing.

"But sir..." Roxy protested to deaf ears.

"Now Lancelot!" The line then went dead as Arthur put the phone down.

Roxy shut the phone. She hadn't been working for Kingsman long but could already tell that Arthur wasn't easy to get along with. She then turned back to Eggsy, still cowering in front of the laptop. 

"Eggsy." Roxy said quietly.

"I should have been with him. I should have been with him." She heard Eggsy repeat over and over.

"Eggsy don't blame yourself." Roxy tried to get his attention.

Eggsy didn't respond. 

"Eggsy? What is it? What's wrong?" Roxy got closer and closer to Eggsy.

Eggsy put a finger to his mouth and pointed to the screen. Roxy mouthed 'what' but did what he said anyway. She looked at the screen. There was nothing there, now Valentine was gone. Maybe Eggsy wanted one last look. 

"Eggsy there's nothing there. Maybe I should..." Roxy tried to close the laptop.

"Don't. I thought I heard something." Eggsy stopped her.

Roxy got closer to try and see if she could hear anything. Eggsy was right, she could hear something. It was faint but it sounded like someone saying something. There wasn't anyone there though.

"Eggsy..." The voice whispered. 


Merlin closed the door to Arthur's office behind him. He could tell Arthur would have a go at him later on but now he didn't care. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes feeling exhausted! He then felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He sighed but answered it anyway. Lancelot had sent him a message.

"Harry's flat NOW!" The message read. 

Merlin read the message several time before taking it all in. He made sure no on was following him and then rushed out of the building. Whatever Roxy wanted, it sounded important. 

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