Chapter Seven

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Arthur was oblivious to Merlin calling Lucan in the boot. It was the only way for him to bring along Merlin without having a dead body in the back. Plus he liked Merlin. He wasn't going to get rid of him. Just yet anyway. He kept looking down at his sat nav. Modern technology wasn't his best point but he would deal with it for now. 

Merlin on the other hand, was trying to keep quiet. He kept sending messages on his phone to Lucan and Roxy when he could. He looked through the back window to check Arthur wasn't watching. He sent another message to Lucan.


Lucan got another message as he waited for Eggsy. He sighed out loudly gaining the attention of Roxy. Lucan looked back to where Eggsy was and then left for the control room. Roxy followed after him. Eggsy wouldn't be long and he could find them. 

"Lucan tell me what's going on. Maybe I can help in some way, I know the grounds..." Roxy offered chasing after Lucan.

"No Roxy! I need to keep you and Eggsy safe." Lucan didn't even stop but called back to Roxy.

"Why though? I mean it's not like we don't have agents across the world who could save us if HQ is gone." Roxy just had to keep asking.

"Because..." Lucan started saying but couldn't find the words to say it.

"Lucan." Roxy said softly grabbing onto his shoulder.

Lucan turned around but still couldn't face Roxy. He just couldn't find the words to tell Roxy why and by the looks of it, she wasn't going to take that.

"Someone told me to keep you two safe, if worse came to worse." Lucan kept staring at his phone.

"Who? I'm not going to stop asking questions until you tell me who told you to keep us safe." Roxy felt like grabbing the phone out of his hand and throwing it in the river they passed on the way there.

Lucan outright ignored her however and carried on to the Control room. Roxy breathed out heavily showing her frustration. Lucan was too far away however to hear it! She felt like she was going to be in the way if she went back to Eggsy so carried on to the Control room like Lucan. 


Eggsy tried to block out his surroundings. He hated hospitals. It might not be a complete hospital, but it still freaked him out. It was probably the smell or the amount of cleanliness! The doctor was speaking to herself and carrying out checks but was still listening in. The nurses had backed off and were doing else, Eggsy didn't know what. He then saw Harry.

Harry looked inhumanely pale, like he had seen about five hundred ghosts! His glasses lay crooked on his face and Eggsy could see that the glass had smashed from the impact with the ground.  Harry's eyes fluttered open and Eggsy was straight by his side. 

"It's okay Harry, I'm here." Eggsy said quietly, trying to hold back his real emotions.

"Merlin?" Harry was quick to ask about, either that or he heard Lucan talking about Merlin on the way out.

"He's fine. Arthur probably needed him for something and kept him behind for it. He'll be here when this is finished." Eggsy tried to keep calm.

"But Lucan..." Harry tried to say but coughed too much to finish the sentence. 

Eggsy put his hand on Harry's shoulder and shrugged off the doctors hand. 

"You and Roxy..... You need to get out of here. I think Arthur might be up to something and I doubt it's anything good." Harry managed to get hold of talking.

"I'm not going to leave you here." Eggsy flat out refused.

"Get Merlin and go. You need to defeat Valentine at any cost, you're not going to do that here." Harry ignored Eggsy's pleas.

"But I don't even know where the base is. I don't have a clue what to do." Eggsy felt helpless for the first time since he joined Kingsman.

"You already know Eggsy. Just believe in yourself." Harry said giving a slight smile.

"I'm afraid we've got to go." The doctor told them both.

Eggsy nodded, wiping a tear from his eye. He stepped back, still holding onto Harry's hand until the last second. The nurses then rushed in to the theatre to start. Eggsy breathed out and went to go and find Roxy.


Eggsy found Roxy and Lucan in the main control room. It looked like they were tracking something but Eggsy couldn't make out what it was. Roxy soon noticed him standing behind her.

"Is Galahad alright?" Roxy noticed the sad look on Eggsy's face.

"They've taken him into surgery and are doing it right now. I mean they could have looked a bit more positive!" Eggsy tried to make light of it all.

"Well that's good news." Roxy rubbed Eggsy's arm. 

"What's all this for anyway?" Eggsy changed the subject before Harry's surgery made him feel even worse.

"Merlin's stuck in the back of Arthur's car. They're on their way." Lucan told Eggsy.

"Why is Merlin in the back of Arthur's car?!" 

"It seems as though Valentine has got to Arthur. He's one of the most powerful people in the UK and Valentine probably wants to get in charge of Kingsman so we can't fight him anymore." Lucan explained even though he lost Eggsy at the first sentence.

"Did Harry say anything before he went into surgery?" Roxy changed the subject.

"He said we need to get out of here." Eggsy told Lucan and Roxy.

Before Roxy could fight against that, the beeping from the tracker became louder. The car was just outside the gates of the house. 

"Right that's it. Wilson take Lancelot and Eggsy to the plane. You two need to get out of here." Lucan told them both holding up his hand to stop Roxy from disagreeing with him.

"But what about Harry and Merlin?" Roxy asked already being pushed out of the door by Wilson another agent.

"We'll deal with them and help them out of here. Now go!" Lucan shouted as they left.

Eggsy and Roxy were taken to the flight deck and onto a plane. Wilson got into the pilot seat to fly the plane out of there. Eggsy began to pace the plane as he couldn't sit still. Roxy put her head in her hands, she didn't really like to think what was going on. Well either that or Eggsy was going to make her feel sick pacing back and forth. 

"Where are we going anyway?! I mean that's a safehouse, that should be the safest place that Kingsman have." Eggsy repeated walking back and forth.

"HQ I suppose. If Arthur isn't there, then maybe we can contact the other agents to get help." Roxy shrugged.

"HQ?! We might as well go home and wait to be beaten by Valentine!" Eggsy shouted making the plane shake a bit.

Roxy gave up after this point. Everything she had done so far in Kingsman had gone wrong! Maybe she wasn't supposed to be an agent. Maybe Eggsy or one of the others deserved it more. She sniffed a little as she thought about it. Eggsy shook his head. Wherever they were going, it would have to be helpful. They weren't going to stop Valentine if they all just went home! 

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