Chapter Eight

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The plane finally came to a stop, as Eggsy's world stopped spinning. He carefully opened his eyes, finding himself on the sofa nearest the door. He could see Roxy out of the corner of his eye which was good news. The door then opened to the cockpit and the pilot got out. However, he didn't open the door to the plane and just paced around, biting his nails. 

"What's the matter? I thought we weren't supposed to stay in the same place for long." Roxy sounded worried.

"I have to wait for a message. I can't take you in otherwise." The pilot shook his head and began to pace once more.

"Who from?" Eggsy joined the conversation.

"Lucan. He needs to check on how the mission is going so far." The pilot answered finally getting a ping on his phone.

The pilot then left to read whatever the message said. Eggsy felt like he had a hangover! His head was banging and his ears were somewhat ringing. As Roxy was the only one on the plane, it must be her fault that he was feeling like this!

"Roxy, why am I suddenly sitting down?" Eggsy plucked up the courage to ask.

"You were getting on my nerves and we had a long journey ahead of us. I might have helped you to get some sleep." Roxy shook her hand as it hurt a little.

"Once this mission is over, I'm telling Harry all about this." Eggsy seemed to struggle to get the sentence out.

Roxy could see that Eggsy was still feeling hurt about Harry. He could barely mention his name let alone say it in a sentence. Before she could fight back against this statement, the pilot came back. He looked glad which was good.

"What did Lucan say?" Roxy asked quickly wanting to know everything.

"He said we may enter HQ. He's checked with everyone and there's no one there for now." The pilot answered.

"What about Merlin and Arthur? Did he say anything about them?" Eggsy changed the subject wanting to know more.

"Nothing at the moment. I guess they're dealing with them at the moment." The pilot finally opened the door and let them out.

Roxy and Eggsy looked at each other and then left. They just hoped Arthur might change his mind or Merlin and the others fight back. For now, the HQ would do to sort out a plan. If they had a plan.


Lucan took charge of the situation as the car was let through the gates. He didn't want to give away to Arthur that they knew what was going on. He looked down at his phone and passed it between his hands to try and keep calm. He was also waiting for any news on Harry. If the safehouse was going to stand a chance, Lucan would need all the help he could get! Finally something came up and the doctors name appeared. Lucan answered it so quickly, he nearly dropped the phone entirely!

"Lucan." Lucan answered the phone gaining other agents attention.

"What is going on out there? We've had several agents in and out telling us to get on with it or move elsewhere!" The doctor boomed down the phone.

"It's a long story. Just get the surgery done as soon as possible." Lucan rubbed his eyes.

"Don't rush me!" The doctor hung up the phone.

Great that's all he needed! He then heard the car pull up on the gravel outside. This was it. 


Arthur stopped the car just outside the door to the safehouse. He got out and opened the boot to let Merlin out. Merlin struggled out knowing that Arthur was going to be right on his tail! Arthur didn't push Merlin just in case he tried to run for it. Arthur made Merlin knock on the door. Merlin knocked and waited for an answer. The door opened and then closed again. Lucan then opened the door fully and welcomed them in.

"Ah Lucan. Hope everything is in order." Arthur stepped into the safehouse trying not to let anything go.

"Yes sir. Just keeping an eye on everything. You know with Valentine and everything." Lucan stayed calm but still gritted his teeth just a little.

"We just wanted to check on the safehouse. You know if we ever needed it for anything. Like a meeting." Arthur continued to act innocent.

"Of course sir." Lucan tried to signal to Merlin but to no avail. 

"I heard something about Galahad. Is his body anywhere around here?" Arthur entered the control room getting everyone to stand up.

"Yes sir. Well in a way anyway." Lucan still didn't want to reveal anything about Galahad's real whereabouts.

Arthur nodded and then plodded around the control room. The whole of the room held it's breath as he looked at one of the computers. Thank goodness, the agents had turned off the tracker once Arthur was outside. Lucan sighed a sigh of relief internally as Arthur continued, nodding at everything as he went. Inside Lucan knew Arthur was looking for something about the mission and a way to stop them getting to Valentine. 

"This all looks good. Now take me to your medical bay and we'll have a look at that." Arthur smiled making both Merlin and Lucan shiver to the core.

"The medical bay sir?!" Lucan gulped knowing what was going on there.

"Yes. I need to see that it is working properly and the doctor is doing a good job." Arthur folded his arms to show power over everyone.

Merlin could see sweat coming off of Lucan's brow. He knew exactly what was being hidden in there just from that! Merlin took a step forward.

"I can go and have a look sir. I know all of the medical terms and I know the doctor well." Merlin hoped Arthur wouldn't see through his offer.

"No Merlin. I will go myself." Arthur didn't give up.

Lucan gave in and showed Arthur to the med bay. Merlin watched them go, staying where he was. As soon as they were gone, he turned to the agents that had been silent since their arrival. He had no idea whether they were going to listen to him but it was worth a try. Lucan would be able to deal with Arthur. 

"Right. Scan the world... Do anything to try and track down Valentine. If we find him then we might have a chance." Merlin told the stunned room.

There weren't any worded responses but the agents got to their work all the same. Merlin smirked as he saw them do this. 


As Lucan got closer and closer to the med bay, his sweat became more and more perfuse. Every step he took he had to mop his brow out of sight from Arthur. If Arthur asked him anything about this, then he would just put it down to a broken air com system. 

"Here we are sir." Lucan came to a stop just outside the med bay.

"Thank you Lucan. You may leave me to deal with this." Arthur waved his hand nearly hitting Lucan in the chest.

Lucan didn't move a muscle. Arthur turned towards the agent and stared him down. 

"Are you disobeying my orders?" Arthur questioned one of his best agents.

Lucan gulped once more. He then saw movement within the bay. This distracted Arthur for a second. Now was his chance. 

Hold OnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora