Chapter Eleven

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Eggsy checked all of the gadgets they would need for the mission. Luckily Merlin had thought ahead and already kitted out the plane they had for the mission! Roxy was trying to get the pilot to actually fly them. It didn't seem as though he would fly for them as neither Merlin or Harry were there. Either that or Arthur had got to him first. 

Eggsy couldn't help but listen in to the conversation they were having. A few times the pilot had argued about why Eggsy was even there. It was nice to know people trusted him! At least Roxy was on his side.

"All set. You ready to go Eggsy?" Roxy came in after a long conversation.

"He's going to fly us there then?" Eggsy smirked seeing Roxy red in the face from arguing.

"It took a bit of persuading but he got around to seeing my point eventually. Now better buckle up, the flight to Valentine's might not be an easy one." Roxy rubbed the back of her neck seeing Eggsy smile at her.

"Whatever you say." Eggsy saluted in jest.

Roxy thumped him in the arm before sitting down to see what sort of security Valentine's place had. She just hoped that there wouldn't be too many people standing in their way. 


The doc took a step back from Harry, letting Arthur get to him. She saw a flash of something in the corner. She couldn't make out what it was so ignored it. Arthur didn't do anything at first, just stood there, staring at the fact that Galahad was still alive. 

"There you go. You got me, just don't hurt him please." The doc said getting impatient.

Arthur clicked his fingers and three agents came forward. She had no idea where they had come from but they took her away from the scene. They chucked her outside of the room and shut the door behind her. 

"Doc?" Lucan asked coming up behind her.

"Oh thank goodness you two are here." The doc sighed seeing Merlin and Lucan safe, they may not look very happy but at least they were here.

"You left Harry in there?!" Merlin's accent becoming more clear as his temper grew.

"I had to! If I didn't do what he told me, then I would be no use to Kingsman anymore. At least he still trusts me." The doc rambled trying to calm Merlin down.

"Merlin it's not the time for this." Lucan butted in pointing his head over to where Harry still was.

Merlin nodded but obviously wasn't going to let this one go. 

Arthur stood over Harry. His agents had moved back to the control room to see what damage Merlin had done. He knew he couldn't trust Lucan and by the looks of it, he couldn't trust Merlin either! 

"Sorry I have to do this. It's just Valentine's argument is very strong and I couldn't give up the chance to get rid of our problems." Arthur whispered to Harry who was still asleep.

"Sir." One of his agents said from the door.

"What is it?!" Arthur hissed.

"The control room have locked us out. There's no way of getting to it unless we bury under the ground to try and get to it." The agents voice quivered seeing Arthur so mad.

"Well make a way! I'm not leaving here until we have control of Kingsman!" Arthur spat at the agent before seeing him run out of the room.

Arthur turned his attention back towards Harry. He then saw the machines next to him beeping and thought of something. He checked none of the other agents were watching and then unhooked the machines from Harry. 

"Sorry about this Galahad. You were just on the wrong side of things." Arthur said with no care in what he was doing.


The doc gasped as they saw what Arthur was doing. Merlin had to be held back by Lucan as they saw what he was doing. If he didn't Merlin would blow his cover! 

"We can't let him do this!" Merlin whispered angrily. 

"Go and help Roxy and Eggsy. We'll deal with this and keep you informed." Lucan tried to persuade him to leave.

"But..." Merlin tried to fight back.

"Merlin go!" Lucan pushed him out of the room.

Merlin looked back at Harry one more time and then left for where Roxy and Eggsy were. Hopefully the plane hadn't moved very far and he could get a hold of it. 

"So what do we do now?" The doc asked trying not to focus on what Arthur was doing.

Lucan shrugged carefully as he was still smarting from his last fight with Arthur. The doc could see he was in no state to even move from where they were, let alone fight with Arthur. Then a beeping sound sounded throughout the room. Lucan covered the doc's mouth before she cried and gave the game away. Arthur whistled and went out of the room. Lucan checked he was gone before letting both the nurses and the doc back in. 

"Do what you can." Lucan said pulling the weapon he had from his jacket.

"No way. You're staying here and helping me!" The doc stopped him getting to work on Harry who had now flatlined. 

"Who's going to stop Arthur?!" Lucan always found something to add.

"Not you. Now come on." The doc was very persuasive.

Lucan dropped the weapon to the ground and helped the doc out. If they could work on Harry then maybe, just maybe someone outside the room would stop Arthur. That was, if anyone was still on their side!


Roxy's phone rang just minutes from take off. Eggsy had pretty much fallen asleep so he could catch up before the mission started. Roxy moved elsewhere so she didn't wake him up. After all, she didn't think he had slept since what had happened with Harry. True no one would.

"Lancelot." Roxy said into the phone seeing the number come up as not given.

"Roxy it's me. Where are you and Eggsy?" Merlin's voice answered.

"Merlin thank goodness. We've just left the air field now." Roxy sighed with relief hearing Merlin was still okay.

"Is there anyway you can come back and pick me up? I've managed to sneak away and greater voices have made the choice for me to go with you." Merlin said.

Roxy rushed back to the pilot and made him go back. Merlin would be very useful on the mission, especially considering neither Roxy or Eggsy knew how to work the gadgets! 

"We're coming now. Just hold on." Roxy told Merlin even though she knew he already knew this. 

"Thanks Roxy." Merlin ended the call.

Roxy went back into the main part of the plane. Eggsy had woken up again thanks to all of the chatting and walking back and forth.

"What's happening?" Eggsy asked groggily. 

"Merlin's managed to get out. We're going back for him." Roxy told him nodding towards the cockpit.

"Is Harry okay?" Eggsy sounded still half asleep when he asked that but there was some concern in his voice.

"I don't know but we can ask Merlin when we get there." Roxy shrugged.

Eggsy snuggled back into his seat and stared out of the window. Roxy was worried about how Eggsy was feeling. Hopefully when the mission got a bit more interesting, he wouldn't think about it anymore. 

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