Chapter Twelve

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The plane came to land just in front of Merlin. Merlin was still a little bit shocked that the plane had actually turned around for him! Considering how powerful Arthur was, he thought he might have put a stop to it or something! He smiled even more when Roxy stepped out of the plane as he was glad to see her safe. Eggsy didn't follow but Merlin didn't mind. Eggsy was going through a tough time, right now. 

"You managed to get out then? What's the matter, Arthur had a change of heart?" Roxy folded her arms staring at Merlin.

"HQ can deal with him. Right now, we've got bigger fish to fry." Merlin stepped right past Roxy and got onto the plane.

Roxy smirked and rolled her eyes. Merlin had missed her really. 

"Eggsy." Merlin nodded getting on the plane.

No answer came. Just a simple nod from an otherwise blank expression. Merlin thought this was either someway of showing he still didn't trust Merlin completely or that he was too focused on the mission. A simple grunt would have done! The pilot took off before Merlin could ask anymore.

"Lancelot come with me. I've got something for you and prepare yourself. It might be a bit of a shock." Merlin said leaving Eggsy alone.

Eggsy went over the mission that was probably going to happen, in his brain. Somehow they would have to get to Valentine and capture him. More likely then not, kill him. Not only that, there was his sidekick to contend with. Not to mention some of the most important people in the world. 


The agents in the control room all stood to attention as soon as Arthur walked in. Luckily none of their work had gone to the big screen, so they couldn't be found out. They all stood in front of their computer screens to hide what was really going on.

"All working hard I see. Now, if you hear anything from Merlin or Lucan, you are to disobey them, all right? They're not in charge around here." Arthur addressed the room, secretly knowing the agents wouldn't follow them anyway. 

"Yes sir." Some of the agents replied.

"Good. Now if you need to reach me, I'll be in my bunker." Arthur rubbed his hands together and then left.

The room stayed silent until they heard the door close. They rushed straight back to work to see where and how the mission was going. 

"Have we got any view of our agents yet?" One agent called over all the typing.

"Trying to track the plane now." Another called back.

"Did Merlin say exactly where this bunker was or are we to try and find that as well?!"

"He gave us some coordinates, I'll send them across."

Rapid typing filled the room, as every agent worked on the mission in their own way. There had to be some way of stopping Arthur and Valentine from doing whatever they were doing.


Lucan stared down at Harry, trying to find anyway of saving him. If not for the missions benefit, then the young agents who had left Harry in his care. The doc was also trying frantically to find some way of helping Harry. She had got out the defibrillator and was now telling a very confused and very hurt Lucan what to do. He tried his best with her instructions and managed to get Harry's heart working again much to both of their reliefs.

"Thank goodness." The doc let out a massive sigh.

"Thank you. For saving him. I mean I think we would be lost without him." Lucan said in a rush, somewhat getting more tired.

"No worries. Now let me have a look at you." The doc hurried Lucan over to another table.

"But what about..." Lucan tried to say before being pushed on to a table.

"I've given him a drug to come round. It will take a few minutes and that's plenty of time to look over you before mission updates come in." The doc wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Lucan tried to find someway of fighting back but knew it was no use. The doc had power over all of the agents. He lay back on the table and let the doc look over him.


Merlin crept back into the main part of the plane, once he had told Roxy what was going to happen. Eggsy knew he was there but continued to look out of the window. 

"Where's Roxy?" Eggsy soon noticed she was missing.

"Getting herself prepared for being dropped off. Now you should be getting ready to." Merlin looked him up and down.

"I don't know if I can do this." Eggsy mumbled but Merlin still heard him.

"Like heck you are. Eggsy look at me." Merlin demanded his Scottish accent becoming harder by the second.

Eggsy looked towards Merlin. Merlin could see the worry Eggsy had for the mission. Well more for Harry but knew he would have to be cruel to be kind.

"You can do this Eggsy. Not to mention the whole world is counting on you. So if this mission fails then this is on you." Merlin pointed directly art Eggsy when he said this.


"No buts. I've had enough of people turning their backs on me today. I don't need you giving up too." Merlin waved his arms around.

"I'm not giving up." Eggsy shouted.

"Then tell your face that because at the moment, you like a young child who's thrown all of their toys out of the pram!" Merlin shouted just as loud.

Eggsy was a bit taken aback. It had been a while since someone had shouted at him like that, especially someone who cared for him like Merlin seemed to. Merlin sighed and shook his head as Eggsy rose from his seat.

"Eggsy, you wouldn't be here if people didn't believe you could do this. You think Galahad would take you this far or let you on the mission if he didn't think you could do this?" Merlin ignored the fact Eggsy was already standing.

"No I suppose not." Eggsy mumbled.

"Then go out there and show him that he's right." Merlin smiled slightly seeing the fight back in Eggsy's eyes.

Eggsy then saluted Merlin but it was a proper one this time. Roxy then stumbled out of the part of the plane she was in. She had a black suit on and was looking a bit dazed.

"What's the matter?" Eggsy asked seeing Roxy like that.

"I've got to jump out of a plane!" Roxy exclaimed pointing at her parachute. 

"And?!" Eggsy questioned wanting to know more.

Roxy shuffled where she was standing.

"You're not scared of heights are you?!" Eggsy found this incredibly funny.

"No. Just thinking the plane's a bit high that's all." Roxy shrugged off the idea she was scared of anything.

Merlin patted Roxy on the shoulder and went over to his computer screen. 

"You breath a word of this to anyone..." Roxy stuck her finger under Eggsy's nose.

"I won't." Eggsy calmed her down.

Roxy strutted over to the door of the plane to get ready to jump. Eggsy stifled back some giggles seeing Roxy scared of a little thing like heights. Roxy could tell he was still laughing inside but paid no attention to it. 

"Are you ready Lancelot?" Merlin asked before she changed her mind.

"As I'll ever be." Roxy nodded.

"Good luck." Both Merlin and Eggsy said.

Roxy then nodded once more and the door to the plane opened. She then turned back to Eggsy one last time and jumped. 

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