Chapter Thirteen

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Eggsy stared after Roxy. By the looks on her face, Eggsy couldn't really believe she did it. The door to the plane closed after her and left Merlin and Eggsy alone. Merlin soon got back to work as Eggsy tried to concentrate after seeing his friend jump out of a plane! At least she had a parachute. Eggsy rubbed his arms as he came to terms with how close they were to Valentine and getting him. 

"Lancelot will be fine, Eggsy. You don't have to worry about her." Merlin smirked seeing Eggsy go pale.

"It's not her. I know she can do it." Eggsy sighed. He didn't want to give off the feeling of concern.

"Then what is it? Be quick about it though, we're nearly at the base and you need to get ready." Merlin still didn't face Eggsy as he said this.

"How was Harry when you left? I mean I know you probably don't want to talk about it but..." Eggsy rambled as Merlin stopped working for a moment.

Merlin turned his head a little to look at Eggsy. He didn't want to put Eggsy off but he couldn't leave Eggsy in the dark for much longer especially as Arthur was going to be after them when they landed. 

"When I left, Harry was in the good hands of the doctor at HQ." Merlin told a sort of truth.

"And he was doing alright?" Eggsy continued to ask awkward questions.

"Yes. Now let's get ready." Merlin quickly changed the subject before Eggsy could ask anything else and find out the whole truth!

Eggsy could tell Merlin was hiding something but it didn't seem as though Merlin was going to tell him anything else. Eggsy put it to the back of his mind as he joined Merlin at the gadgets station. 


Arthur pulled out his phone to see where Valentine's base was. The driver knew where he was going but Arthur needed to make sure it was still there and hadn't been bought down yet. His phone then went off again and his heart skipped a beat when he saw Valentine's name come up.

"Arthur." Arthur answered the phone.

"Is it done?" Valentine's voice hissed through the phone.

"Galahad has been taken care of if that's what you mean. The other agents don't stand a chance with what we have in store so we don't have to worry about them." Arthur revealed, moving his glasses up his face.

"Good. Now make sure you get here in time. You don't want to stay out in the chaos for much longer!" Valentine said this with a chuckle.

Arthur gave a weak chuckle in response. 

"Valentine out." Valentine hung up after saying this.

Arthur put his phone down. He could already hear people yelling and shouting outside of his car. He was just glad his driver hadn't gone down the same route! 

"Nearly there sir." The driver nodded seeing Arthur looking at him.

"Thanks for this. I know you were close with Galahad." Arthur soon recognised the agent in front.

"No problem sir. If Galahad was on the wrong side, he was no friend of mine." The driver seemed to say this through gritted teeth.

Arthur ignored this however. The driver was probably just thinking over what a bad job Galahad and Eggsy had done. The driver on the other hand, was not going in the right direction. As long as he stayed out here, then Valentine would be stopped and Arthur would be arrested. 


Harry felt a ache inside his head as he tried to open his eyes. He groaned and tried to move his hand up to his head to try and calm it. He soon realised that his glasses were missing and his hair was a mess. True as he didn't know where he was, this wasn't his first concern. He then felt a calming hand on his shoulder.

"Agent Galahad can you hear me?" A voice said calmly but still sounded very far away.

Harry tried to speak but his throat was too raw. He just nodded instead and tried to get up, holding onto the edge of the table for assistance. 

"And where do you think you're going?" The doctors voice became more familiar as Harry got used to his surroundings.

Harry once again felt her hand on his shoulder. It was obvious that he wasn't going anywhere. He lay back down on the table and looked at where the doctor was standing. 

"What happened?" Harry managed to speak but it was still very rough but at least he was talking.

"You were shot, don't you remember? You were brought here and we saved you." The doctor revealed to Harry even though his memory was still a bit fogy.

"We?!" Harry was shocked that Eggsy might still be there.

The doctor nodded her head over to the next table. Harry turned his head and saw Lucan laying there, asleep. He looked in a worse condition then he felt. 

"What happened to him?" Harry worried about his fellow agent.

"Nothing that couldn't be healed. Arthur got into a fight with him and let's just say Agent Lucan didn't win." The doctor waved her hand up and down.

"Eggsy, Roxy?" Harry turned his attention back towards the young agents.

"I don't know. Merlin's gone to find them and help them defeat Valentine."

Harry sighed which gained a groan from him. 

"Get some rest. You'll need it if Arthur comes back here." The doctor could see that he wanted to leave to find them.

"I need to speak to them. Tell them I'm okay." Harry protested.

"Alright, I'll try and get to them but don't hold you hopes up. They're very busy." The doctor gave in and went to find a phone.

Harry hated feeling so helpless. He knew Eggsy and Roxy could do the mission and they did have Merlin to help them. It wouldn't be long before he saw them again anyway. Arthur was the only problem he could think of. As long as someone kept Arthur away, then the mission should go right. He then heard a yawn from beside him and saw Lucan waking up.

"You look awful!" Harry chuckled slightly seeing Lucan surprised to see him awake.

Lucan carefully got off the table and sat down in a chair at the end of Harry's table.

"I'm glad you're awake. Everyone's been worried sick about you." Lucan tried to keep his eyes open, obviously very tired.

"I heard you had a fight with Arthur." 

"Yeah didn't end very well as you can see. Your two agents are doing well though." 

"You saw them?"

"That Roxy is good. Wants to know everything that's going on. Eggsy is on the other side of the scale. Very loyal and wouldn't leave anyone's side if he knew they were hurt." Lucan folded his arms thinking about the young agents he had met that day.

"That's why we chose them." Harry nodded.

The doctor then came back in with a phone in her hand. She tutted when she saw Lucan off the table but she didn't do anything about it. She knew if she did, she wouldn't be listened to! 

"The control room have a line through to the plane. It's secure so Valentine and Arthur won't be able to track it." The doctor passed the phone to Harry.

Harry mouthed a thank you and picked it up. Lucan moved back to his side of the room to leave Harry to have a conversation with his agents. He knew how much the agents meant to Harry and didn't want to get in the way. 

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