Chapter Five

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Merlin took the drink from Arthur. He gave it a quick sniff, just in case Arthur had a bright idea! You could never be too careful these days. He then saw Arthur staring at him and took a sip. It tasted alright at least. Arthur tapped his fingers on the desk showing Merlin his frustration that Lancelot was still not here. 

"I'm sure Lancelot will be here in a minute sir. She's probably just got caught up in traffic or got called away on an important mission." Merlin shrugged, trying to think of a good reason Lancelot wasn't there.

"You think I was born yesterday don't you?" Arthur snapped leaning closer to Merlin, over the desk.

"No sir." Merlin quickly answered.

"She's gone to see Eggsy hasn't she? It's something about Galahad isn't it?" Arthur kept asking questions much to Merlin's worry.

"No sir. I haven't heard from Lancelot since she was inducted into Kingsman." Merlin trembled under the immense pressure of Arthur's stare. 

"Same here." Arthur crossed his arms to show his annoyance.

Merlin bit his lip trying to think of some sort of lie. Usually, under any other circumstances, he would tell Arthur the whole story. Harry's alive, Valentine might have the PM under his thumb, Eggsy is helping Lancelot out... but he couldn't. Well not right now anyway. 

"So, Merlin what were you doing at Harry's flat and why do I suspect Galahad had something to do with it?" Arthur brought Merlin back down to earth.

"Okay sir but promise you won't tell the other agents." Merlin finally gave in.

Arthur nodded in response and looked more powerful then ever. Merlin took a deep breath in and told Arthur the story.


Roxy ground the car to a halt just outside the safe house and it was just that! It was in the middle of the nowhere with no other houses surrounding it for miles. Eggsy looked out the window to the miles and miles of fields. It would be a nice place if it wasn't for the situation they were in. 

"Eggsy?" Roxy suddenly appeared beside him.

"Are you sure we're safe here? I mean they can't get to us here or anything?" Eggsy was shaking from head to toe.

"I'm sure. Now come on before Harry gets any worse." Roxy moved out a bit to able to get Harry out. 

Roxy took Harry's legs and Eggsy took Harry's shoulders. Both of them saw the grimace on Harry's face as they moved him. Eggsy shut this out though and got out of the car. He had no idea where they were going so just followed Roxy. Harry mumbled something as they continued to move. Roxy stopped just in front of a door off to the right of the place. She knocked the door with her foot and waited. 

The door opened a tad and an eye was seen at the door. They saw Roxy and Harry and then closed the door again. The door unlocked and opened all the way. Roxy was the first through as Eggsy was still taking it all in. The person standing behind the door waved their hand and someone else appeared. 

"What's going on?" Eggsy whispered to Roxy seeing her worried for the first time.

"Don't worry. They're probably just on edge with the whole Valentine thing. Not to mention we're carrying a man who's supposed to be dead." Roxy whispered as they were shown where to go.

Roxy, Eggsy and Harry made their way down a long dark corridor. The house looked big on the outside, but it carried on even further inside. Eggsy would have to ask Roxy about it later. He just hoped Merlin would join them soon. It would be nice to have another familiar face.


"So when were you going to tell me this then?" Arthur asked after Merlin had told him everything.

"When I knew it was safe sir. I didn't want to get Roxy and Eggsy in trouble and I didn't want the news of Galahad being alive being spread around." Merlin breathed out.

"I guess you want to join your two agents over at the safehouse? See how Harry's doing?" Arthur kept asking questions!

Merlin didn't move. He had realised why Arthur was asking so many questions. Arthur soon noticed this in Merlin's eyes and stood up from his chair at the head of the table. 

"You see the PM and other world leaders are not the only people who are involved in all this." Arthur started to say and Merlin knew all too well where it was going.

"People who are high up in the world.... They just seem to drift together and well...." Arthur turned back round.

Merlin felt like he couldn't breathe. Hearing all of this from a man he had looked up to for years was scary and not to mention worrying! Before Merlin could even mutter a word, Arthur had pulled a gun and was aiming at Merlin! Merlin slowly put his hands in the air and his phone dropped to the ground. 

"Give me your phone Merlin." Arthur showed the gun at the ground.

Merlin did what Arthur said. He might be in charge of the gadgets in Kingsman but he didn't dare to bring one out and use it on Arthur! 

"Now the safehouse remind me..."


"Wait here." The man who had showed Roxy and Eggsy to a room said.

Roxy and Eggsy helped Harry on to a chair which would take the weight off the wound. Eggsy sat down next to him to try and help. He removed the surplus fabric and checked on the wound. 

"So this is a safehouse is it?! I hate to see our unsafe house!" Eggsy moaned, trying to see in the dim light in the room.

"It will do for now. How's he doing?" Roxy nodded to Harry.

"Better then he was in the car but I'm not a doctor..." Eggsy rambled on. 

"Yeah well I'm sure one will come along in a minute." Roxy said checking her phone every so often to see if Merlin had called.

"So what is this place anyway?" Eggsy asked.

"It used to belong to the family who started Kingsman. When the man who owned it died, he passed it on to Kingsman for use as safehouse." Roxy wiped the blood off of her hands.

"Must have been rich then?" Eggsy still felt like Kingsman was out of his reach thanks to him not being rich.

"He was but he was nice apparently." Roxy shrugged. She could see that Eggsy was smarting about her being let into Kingsman and not him.

Harry stirred a little but stayed mostly asleep. Eggsy leaned back in his seat and tried to get his head around what had happened. One minute he was about to join Kingsman and the other in a safehouse in the middle of nowhere! What was the world coming to?!

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