Chapter Six

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The door to the room clicked open and Roxy was straight on her feet. Eggsy stood back a bit. He wasn't an agent so didn't really have any authority to do anything to the person on the other side. The door then fully opened and the agent they had seen earlier was now joined with someone else. Roxy stayed on edge but then saw the doctors bag in the other agents hand. She nodded over to Harry and the doctor went over to him. Roxy took the other agent to one side.

"We're just glad you're okay. We heard what happened at the church and most of the other agents moved underground for now." An agent called Lucan whispered to Roxy obviously not wanting Eggsy to overhear.

"Do we know where Valentine has gone?" Roxy asked trying to block out everything around her.

"Not a clue. We've got our best people working on it and they haven't found anything!" Lucan shook his head sadly.

"Arthur contacted you?" Roxy didn't really want to ask.

"Yeah. We had a meeting with him, all the other agents I mean. He didn't look happy and told us that Galahad was gone." Lucan nodded over to Harry and the doctor looking over him.

"Well he doesn't know yet. I think we left Merlin to break the news." Roxy smirked feeling sorry for Merlin.

Lucan's phone then buzzed. He ignored it for the first few times it rang but it became clear that the other person wasn't going to give up.

"You'd better answer it." Roxy sighed.

"I won't be long." Lucan then left, closing the door behind him to keep them safe.

Roxy then quickly returned her attention to Eggsy and Harry. The doctor hadn't said anything since she arrived. This was never a good sign and by the look on Eggsy's face, it wasn't going to be good news. 


Lucan answered his phone. A blocked number had come up on the screen which was why he was a bit worried to answer it. He checked there was no one else around and then spoke into it.

"Lucan." He answered trying to keep back the waver in his voice.

"Lucan. It's Merlin." A shaky and quiet voice came from the other side.

"Merlin. You're breaking up, what's going on?" Lucan rushed through to the main control room to see where Merlin was.

"I'm in the boot of Arthur's car. He's heading towards the safe house and I think he's after Galahad." Merlin's answer just about came through.

"Is that a bad thing?" Lucan asked waving to someone to track Merlin's phone.

"I think he wants to get rid of Galahad. Maybe even Lancelot and Eggsy too." Merlin breathed out carefully so he wasn't overheard by Arthur.

Lucan went over to the agent who was tracking Merlin's phone. It was still a way out but was getting closer by the second. Lucan mouthed to keep an eye on it and returned back to his conversation to Merlin.

"Why would he want to get rid of Galahad?" Lucan continued to question Arthur's actions.

"I think he's with Valentine. Valentine has somehow got to him and got him on side." Merlin was breaking up again.

"Valentine?! Alright, we'll keep an eye out for you. Just keep safe Merlin." Lucan couldn't say much more as the phone hung up.

Lucan switched off his phone and turned to the screen in front of him. Agents were turned to look at him. No one wanted to disobey Arthur but it seemed as though this time they might have to! 


Harry groaned as the doctor pressed against his belly. The doctor kissed her teeth, moved to Harry's chest and did the same. Eggsy was getting agitated espically hearing Harry in pain. Roxy leaned on the wall across from him. Harry groaned once more but louder this time. Eggsy had had enough.

"Do you have to do that?! Can't you see he's in pain?!" Eggsy snapped at the doctor who just carried on.

"Eggsy don't be rude." Roxy huffed sensing an argument brewing. 

"But..." Eggsy started before the doctor stood up.

"He needs surgery. If you'll let me, we have a sick bay and I need to take him there." The doctor said calmly.

Eggsy was about to fight back against that idea but Roxy put her hand over his mouth before he could. She nodded for them and knocked on the door to get someone's attention. Lucan opened the door and came in.

"Everything alright?" Lucan winced seeing Harry's blood across the floor.

"We need him to go to sick bay. Can you give me a hand?" Roxy asked nodding over to Eggsy.

Lucan could tell what this meant. Lucan took Harry's feet whilst Roxy took Harry's shoulders. Eggsy went first and opened the door for them. Anything that would help Harry, he would do. 

They quickly got to sick bay and put Harry down on the table. The doctor then got the nurses to join her in getting Harry ready for surgery. Lucan then pushed both Roxy and Eggsy away from them and outside.

"You need to wait out here. I'm sorry." Lucan could see the worry on the young agents faces.

"What if he needs us?" Eggsy tried to get past Lucan's strong defences. 

"This will take a while. It would be better to wait out here then in there where you might get in the way." Lucan was nearly giving up as Eggsy was very strong.

"He wants to see you." The doctor then came out in blue scrubs, talking to Eggsy.

Lucan moved his arm and let Eggsy past. Eggsy ran to Harry's side. Roxy stood and waited for him to return. Lucan rubbed his hand through his hair, gaining more worry from Roxy. 

"From the look on your face, this day is about to get worse isn't it?" Roxy was scared to even ask the question.

"Arthur's coming this way and he has Merlin in the boot of his car." Lucan just added more pressure on the situation.

"In the boot?!" 

"Yeah. So you can tell what sort of mood Arthur is in right now!" Lucan then got a ping on his phone.

He hissed as he saw a message from the control room. He showed it to Roxy and got the same reaction. Arthur and Merlin were getting closer and closer. He looked up to see how Eggsy was getting on. 

"God help us." 

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