Chapter Nine

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Eggsy felt awkward as Roxy checked in with some of the other agents at HQ. He sat in the main part of the Kingsman shop. The sign had been quickly changed over to closed so no one would enter and disturb them. Eggsy wanted to know what Roxy was saying but she had gone into another room. The other agents probably wouldn't trust him to overhear what they were talking about. It wasn't long however, before Roxy came back in still with glasses on her face.

"They're asking for you." Roxy said quietly tapping her glasses.

"Me?! Why me?!" Eggsy asked a little shocked that they had actually asked for him.

Roxy just shrugged and opened the door more to let Eggsy in to the conversation. Eggsy straightened his hat and then decided it didn't exactly look very serious so took it off. 

"Lancelot?" A voice came through the glasses.

"Coming, give me a second." Roxy responded as Eggsy still couldn't see anything.

Roxy soon realised that Eggsy couldn't see or really hear who was talking. She gathered another pair of glasses in her hands and passed it to Eggsy. Eggsy gulped and then put them on.

Suddenly six agents appeared in front of him, with matching glasses. They were all staring back at him and looking him up and down. 

"So this is who Galahad trained?" One of the agents asked.

"Yes it is." Roxy answered for Eggsy.

"Right. How much do we know about Valentine? Do we have a location for him?" Another agent chimed in.

"Some of the agents at the safehouse were looking into it when we left. We didn't have time to get an answer." Roxy shook her head sadly.

"Great!" The agent breathed out.

Eggsy stayed quiet throughout the conversation. It was nice to be involved but it didn't look like the other agents wanted him there. Maybe it was just out of curiosity that they wanted him.

"How is Galahad? Last we heard from Merlin is that he was dead." One of the agents finally asked Eggsy's opinion.

"He's in surgery." Eggsy answered before being interrupted.

"Does it matter?! If he's at the safehouse then all of them are in danger!" The first agent who spoke interrupted Eggsy much to his annoyance.

"Of course it does!" Eggsy interrupted the agent.

The whole room stared at Eggsy when he did this. The first agent shuffled in his space but didn't say another word. Roxy smiled to herself, it was nice to see someone stand up to the agents. She hadn't been there long but she could already tell that the agents before her, weren't exactly friendly! Eggsy had never felt so mad! Harry meant everything to him and he wasn't going to leave him behind.

"All of the people in the safehouse matter! We've got to go back and save them." Eggsy tried to persuade the room.

"Valentine is more important right now." One of the agents sounded a bit more sympathetic.

"Maybe some of us could concentrate on Valentine and some of us on the safehouse." Roxy agreed with Eggsy, hoping they would be sent to the safehouse.

"Good idea. We'll get a hold of the agents in the safehouse. You...." The first agent looked directly at Roxy and Eggsy.

"You go and stop Valentine." 

The first agent then left the conversation which by now had turned into a row! Two other agents then left. Roxy just about managed to stop the others before they left.

"But what about the gadgets? We haven't got Merlin!" Roxy nearly cried.

The agents remaining looked at each other and nodded.

"I'm sure Merlin is working on a way to get through to you right now. Now go and get Valentine." One of the agents said before they all left.

Roxy and Eggsy took off their classes. As soon as they did this, Roxy's phone rang. Both of them looked at it and smiled as Merlin's name flashed on the screen.


Merlin had been trying to get through to Roxy and Eggsy for the last few minutes but Roxy's line had been busy! Finally his call was answered.

"Lancelot?" Merlin whispered into it just in case Arthur was around.

"Merlin thank goodness!" Roxy's voice answered.

Merlin checked the other agents were working alright and then took the conversation to one side. He didn't want to disturb them.

"Arthur is here and I think he might have Lucan but I've managed to get away from him. It's a lot better then being in a boot!" Merlin moaned stretching out.

"I'm sure it is. Have you found Valentine?" Roxy asked.

Before Merlin could answer the question, someone answered it for him. 

"Sir we've found him!" Someone called.

Merlin rushed back into the control room with a massive smile on his face. A red mark on the screen was blinking. That must be Valentine. 

"We've found him." Merlin told Roxy.

"Where is he?" Roxy demanded to be told the answer.


The doc had heard Lucan and Arthur come in. Luckily the nurses had moved a screen in front of her and Harry so they couldn't be seen. Arthur might not know about Harry just yet and she wasn't sure she could trust him just yet. The nurses had gone out to see what they wanted so she could work on Harry. She could hear voices beyond the screen.

"Are you disobeying an order?" Arthur's voice sounded strict and unkind.

Lucan didn't answer. Suddenly a quick beep came out of the machine Harry was on.

"Oh no!" The doctor whispered trying to find why it was doing that.

A nurse quickly came to her rescue. 

"What's the matter?" The nurse looked more scared then the doc did.

"I don't know. Find something before Arthur gets suspicious." The doc looked frantically for something.

The nurse nodded in response so Arthur couldn't hear them. Then a crash came from where Lucan and Arthur had been standing. This didn't stop either of them though and they barely flinched! 

"Found it!" The nurse said quietly dreading the next crash.

The doc moved around to where the nurse was. There was a bleed coming from Harry's arm. She hadn't even seen that! She quickly got to work on it as the nurse dared to look at where the crash had come from. There hadn't been another noise and Lucan hadn't come through, which he said he would. True in a fight between Lucan and Arthur nearly everyone knew how that fight was going to go!

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