Chapter Three

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Roxy and Eggsy pulled up to the church where the scene had taken place. Roxy was still a little unsure what had happened, since Eggsy had been reluctant to tell her. Eggsy bounded out of the car, before Roxy could say anything. The phone rang as soon as they got out, Roxy was a little annoyed but knew it was probably Merlin so answered it anyway. 

"Merlin we're here." Roxy answered the phone.

"Good, Can you see anything that might have made a noise?" Merlin said back sounding worried that they had gone alone.

Before Roxy could answer that question, she saw Eggsy stop in the middle of the path. 

"I might have to call you back." Roxy put the phone down and walked over to Eggsy.

Eggsy must have heard something to stop. Roxy tapped him on the shoulder and tried to see what he was looking for. 

"Eggsy...." The voice came again, it was very faint but she could just make it out.

Eggsy and Roxy looked at each other and then looked around more urgently. Whoever it was, it sounded like they were in danger.


Arthur wandered up the street where Harry's flat was. He was sure if any of the agents that were missing, they would probably be there. Plus he had, had Merlin's cell tracked from HQ so it wouldn't be that hard to find him! He noticed the door to the flat was still open from where Merlin had gone in. He checked none of the neighbours weren't watching and then went in. 

"Merlin? Eggsy? Lancelot?" Arthur called out.

Merlin jumped as he heard his boss call his name. He looked anywhere for a place to hide. Arthur didn't sound in the best of moods but he had to stay in case Eggsy or Roxy needed him. He was trapped.

"Ah there you are. Everything going alright or are you just ignoring me for the sake of it?" Arthur soon found him.

"I'm not ignoring you sir. I was just called here." Merlin shrugged hoping Arthur wouldn't enquire about the computer screen.

"Well hurry up. I have another meeting soon and I need you to join me." Arthur tapped his foot against the floor.

Merlin just nodded but Arthur still didn't leave. Merlin smiled and typed something into the laptop. He then closed it down before Arthur could take a look. 

"All finished." Merlin waved his hand.

"Right come on then."


"Roxy over here!" Eggsy suddenly shouted out of the blue. 

Roxy looked over to where Eggsy was. She gulped as she saw Harry's body laying next to Eggsy. She straightened her suit and joined him. This was going to be difficult.

"Eggsy, we have to leave him here." Roxy took Eggsy by his shoulders.

"But I thought...." Eggsy started to say.

Roxy then heard a groan come from Harry. The body seemed to have shifted. Eggsy shrugged Roxy's hold off and leant down to Harry.

"Harry? Harry?!" Eggsy shook Harry's shoulders as Roxy stood back and watched.

"Is he.... Is he still alive? He can't be." Roxy kept repeating to herself seeing Eggsy talking to Harry.

Eggsy didn't seem to even listen to what Roxy was saying. He shook Harry once more, he was going to give up on Harry that easily. Another groan came from Harry's body and he slowly opened his eyes. 

"Oh my God!" Roxy gasped looking over Harry's body for an injury. That first aid training will come in handy.

"Eggsy..." Harry's voice still sounded very faint.

"It's okay Harry, we're here. We've got you." Eggsy grabbed Harry's hand by accident.

Roxy looked around to the car. She was sure she heard an engine, true with how her hearing had been so far, she didn't know whether to trust it or not. She left Eggsy to look after Harry whilst she got the car ready. 

"Hurry up!" Eggsy called, still not taking his attention off of Harry. 

Harry continued to groan and mumble something but Eggsy could only make out his own name. He could see some blood coming from somewhere but still couldn't make out where it was coming from. He hoped Roxy had more experience then he did with this. He then heard Roxy's phone ring just off to the side. She must have dropped it when she walked away. Arthur flashed up on the screen. As soon as Eggsy saw this, he just ignored it. A roar from some sort of engine gained his attention.

"Roxy? Is that you?" Eggsy asked a little worried it was Valentine coming back to finish the job.

Roxy didn't respond, probably too busy to answer him. The engine seemed to be coming and going, almost like it was going around and around in a circle! 

"Eggsy, bring him over here." Roxy finally said something, gesturing from the car.

"I think I'll need a hand." Eggsy looked at Harry and then at the distance between them and the car. There was no way he was going to get there without injuring Harry more.

"Eggsy... What's..... Going on?" Harry finally managed to say.

"It's alright Harry. Just hold on and we'll get you out of here." Eggsy didn't know how to answer Harry to be honest.

The phone continued to ring, making Eggsy more and more irritated with Arthur. He didn't even work with Arthur! He couldn't imagine how annoying he would be day to day.

"Right where do you want me?" Roxy suddenly appeared by his side. 

"Take that side and lift on three." Eggsy didn't dare to say anything to Harry at the moment.

Eggsy counted down and then both him and Roxy lifted Harry with a bit of a struggle. Harry was obviously trying his best not to worry his agents by making any sounds. They raced over to the car and put Harry into the back, lying him down on the seat.

"Right go before we find out what on earth that engine noise is!" Eggsy shouted getting in the back with Harry.

Roxy nodded and made the car screech with how far she put her foot down. Eggsy held on for dear life as they made their way back to the flat. 

As they left, the engine became louder and louder. A helicopter landed on the ground just where they had been. There were some voices but then it took off again. Whatever they had gone for, obviously wasn't there anymore. 


Merlin kept looking down at his watch as Arthur's car made its way through London. They were on their way to see another agent who might prove useful in this case. 

"Am I keeping you?" Arthur soon noticed how much Merlin was looking at the watch.

"Sorry sir. New watch and I don't want to break it." Merlin smiled as he hated lying, especially to his boss. 

Arthur rolled his eyes at Merlin's response. Merlin breathed out quietly and looked out of the window. It wouldn't be long before he could check in with Eggsy and Lancelot he thought to himself. It wouldn't be long....

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