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The doc and Lucan watched as Merlin, Eggsy and Roxy's plane came into land. Merlin had said they might be a bit late thanks to Eggsy.... Well Eggsy being Eggsy. The doc had kept to her word and sent Harry straight back to the med bay. Harry had tried to protest about it but had fallen over and seen the seriousness of the situation. He had finally given in when Lucan said he would send Eggsy and the others to see him when they landed. Roxy was the first out of the plane and saluted Lucan when she reached them.

"Well done Lancelot. I think you just saved the whole world and I'm pretty sure you'll make a great addition to Kingsman." Lucan smiled shaking Roxy's hand.

"Thank you sir." Roxy responded making Lucan frown at being called sir.

"Sir?" Lucan looked around as Merlin joined them.

"You're in charge now Lucan. Haven't you heard? Arthur had one of those implants in his head and well he kind of blew up." Merlin shrugged trying to find the best way of telling Lucan he was the new boss.

Lucan's eyes widened when Merlin said this. He then looked down at the glasses in his jacket pocket. 

"I'd better call the other agents and tell them what's going on." Lucan made his apologies.

"I'll come with you." Roxy said seeing Eggsy coming down the steps.

Roxy and Lucan then left Merlin to speak to the doc about what had been going on since he left. Eggsy wandered past with a massive grin on his face which didn't exactly go unnoticed. The doc pointed at him as he walked past and Merlin just shook his head in reply.

"What's made him so happy?!" The doc asked chuckling at Merlin's reaction.

"He's in a relationship with a princess. Anyone his age would react like that if they had done what Eggsy has just done." Merlin sounded disgusted.

"I won't ask because I think I might be sick if you give me those details! Now come inside and tell me what we can do to those gadgets." 

"You're interested in gadgets?!"

"Is there a reason I shouldn't be?! Just because I'm a doctor and I work here all the time, doesn't mean I can't be interested in the gadgets that go on missions." The doc folded her arms.

"Of course." Merlin quickly said before letting the doc onto the plane to discuss the gadgets and how they had done on the mission.


Lucan paced the floor of a room where he and Roxy had found. With the amount of craziness that was going on in Kingsman right now, it seemed everyone involved was at HQ! Roxy could see the look of bewilderment and disbelief in Lucan's eyes. How were they going to explain all of this to the others? Roxy then got out her glasses and tried to get Lucan to do the same.

"I don't know if I can. I mean how am I supposed to be like Arthur?" Lucan shook his head seeing what she was trying to do.

"You don't have to be like him. To be honest I don't think anyone wants that, look how Arthur turned out in the end." Roxy nudged Lucan in the arm.

"I suppose you're right." Lucan finally agreed taking out his own glasses and putting them on.

Roxy nodded and smiled to herself. She then joined Lucan and the other agents in the meeting. All of them were there, a few of them looking a little worse for wear but all of them were there. It seemed as though they had gotten into fights, probably to do with the chaos that had happened in the last few hours. 

"Good to see you're all here." Lucan greeted them all.

"Where's Arthur?" One of the agents managed to say before Lucan could say anymore.

"He's gone. It seems as though Arthur was involved in Valentine's scheme and he's ended up like the others involved. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what happened there." Lucan responded keeping the agents calm.

"So who's in charge now then?" Another agent asked.

"I am. I was next in line and Lancelot agrees with me that some new blood might be needed." Lucan continued to tell the agents.

Roxy watched on with secret pride in Lucan. She hadn't known him long but she could see he was going to be a lot better then Arthur. The other agents seemed to think so to. The meeting continued as they discussed the mission and how the agents were. Roxy had never felt so glad to be part of something, then she was right now.


Eggsy looked through the med bay door. Harry was now in a more hospital looking bed looking a lot more peaceful then he did when Eggsy last saw him. True he knew Harry would rather be awake then sleeping right now. He opened the door and went into the med bay. Harry cracked one eye open when he got closer. 

"Mission was a success then?" Harry sighed with relief as he saw Eggsy was okay.

"Yeah it was in the end. Valentine's gone, along with some of the most important people in the land, and well Arthur is gone as well." Eggsy told Harry as he sat up.

"Arthur's gone?" 

"I'm afraid so. Valentine got to him and now Lucan's in charge as far as I can make out." 

"Well Lucan's a good choice especially with me being out for the next few months." Harry sounded so sad saying that.

"A few months?!" Eggsy was shocked to hear this.

"The doc said so. This injury will take some time to heal so she recommended a few months off before returning to work so someone will have to take over my position." Harry looked at Eggsy.

"You mean me?" Eggsy asked making sure he had gotten it right.

"Well unless there's someone else you can think of? Anyway, I don't think Merlin could cope with finding another agent." Harry smiled.

Eggsy smiled at this. Harry was right Merlin was annoyed with him already, he didn't want to be the one to tell Merlin that they may need another agent. Galahad. Well that didn't sound so bad and he could always take another name when Harry came back. Lucan's name, he supposed, would be up for a new agent. He would just have to wait to be a full time agent. For now, he could deal with taking Harry's name. Galahad didn't sound so bad after all.

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