Chapter 6: A Royal Visit

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It wasn't every day that Susant could sneak off in the morning to repair and make shoes for the children. Some days, his father's little shop was busier than others, and he would have to stay and help the customers, or mend shoes in the workplace.

The months passed simply for young Susant. He had a few friends who would come visit him every so often, and sometimes, at night, they would sneak away onto the roofs of buildings and look out and away from Kingdom, wondering and imagining what adventures were hidden beyond the only world they had ever known.

Each of them had spoken firmly when they brought up one day leaving Kingdom. That it was only a matter of time until they would head out into the world to see that which was unknown to them. To walk the deserts, climb the mountains, and sail the oceans. But deep down in their hearts, each of them knew they would never leave Kingdom. No one ever did. None of them knew anybody that had ever left, and to be honest, the only thing waiting outside their little country were the lands already conquered by the Empire.

Although everyone knew in their hearts that it was only a matter of time until the Empire came for the last free land, no one spoke of it. The mountains had always been their protection, but that could not last forever. Nyima was a safe haven in that regard. In a sense, the Empire might as well have not existed, for no one spoke openly of it, and few let the coming tragedy darken their minds or their spirits.

It was because of this ignorance that the people of Nyima lived happily. There is a truth behind the saying 'ignorance is bliss,' and the people welcomed this mindset with open arms. However, one of the main reasons the people were able to ignore the coming danger was mostly due to the calm, undaunted mentality of the royal family.

Several times a year, the King, Queen and young Princess Tashi would head into the city in their horse-drawn carriages. They would stop and eat the baker's bread, buy perfumes from the local fragrance artist, have their clothes mended or made by the tailor, and last but not least, visit the cobbler to have their shoes made for the coming ceremonies.

So it was that Susant was sitting in the workplace one day when the front door of the shop creaked open. Lifting his eyes, Susant froze for a moment when he saw the Queen standing there in front of him. A moment later, a beautiful girl who was about his age came in right behind her with a bright smile upon her face. The King waited outside, making small talk with the passing people.

Susant stood quickly from his workplace and bowed his head. "Your Highness, as always, thank you for taking the time to visit my father's shop. He is just upstairs. I'll run and grab him for you."

The Queen held up her hand and shook it with a smile. "No, it isn't necessary. He will come when he comes. For now, maybe you can help me with what we are looking for."

Susant met her eyes, and for a moment, he felt as if she were seeing into his soul. "Of course," he answered. "But I am only the apprentice of this shop, so perhaps I am not the best person to—" The Queen shook her head kindly, reassuring him that it would be perfectly all right.

Susant came from behind his workplace and out into the shop. The Queen eyed him carefully as he did, taking in the full sight of him.

"You have grown since the last time I came in," said the Queen.

Susant felt a little shocked. What an honor it was to have the Queen of Nyima herself remembering him, when she had seen and met so many of the people in Kingdom. The Queen motioned to Tashi, who was idling through the shoes in the shop. She was handling a pair of leather boots.

"You two are about the same age," said the Queen. "I guess it makes sense to watch you two grow side by side." She flashed a grin. "Though they say boys grow tall and girls grow up. I guess we'll have to see if the saying is true."

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