Historical Context

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Hey! Author here! If you came here from my previous book, Undercover, then you'll know that this is a huge time leap all the way to the past. 

Just to give you a little bit of historical context, the setting is roughly during the Industrial Revolution in the Victorian era. Most of the technological advancements that you'll see in this book such as the portable radio was invented around the year 1920s. 

It is important to mention that during this era, the gap between the upper, mid and lower classes had never been greater. Education was not something that could easily be obtained. Only the rich could be educated. The lower class mostly specialize in manual labour whereas the upper class capitalize on the lower class to make money. 

Alright, that's about enough history I can give you. Chapter 1 of this book will be released on the 18th of May. Can't wait to see you there. 

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