Chapter 19 - Meeting

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Several days had passed. The yacht looked as if it was aimlessly floating about for none of us had seen land in forever. According to Avery and Sorian, They and West had given Jackal some vague directions to steer away from highly populated locations.

One afternoon, Jackal came down to the dining area and announced that the boat is running low on fuel and that we would need to stop by somewhere to refuel. Though we could evidently see that West, Avery and Sorian not liking the idea of exposing us to dangers only after a few days at sea, we were also slowly running out of food and clean water.

"Alright, call everyone over, we'll have a quick briefing before we reach land," commanded West. Alex did so like a good boy. It didn't take long for all of us to gather around. Though, some were less pleased than others to be ordered around.

"Ugh... why are we even here? I thought the 'slaves' had their meals on the deck not in here," Brooke grumbled. He scrunched up his face to let the whole room know that he was upset. Geez, what did he even learn at St. John's? Last time I was there, they taught us all some basic etiquette. Did he like get an exceptional pass or something for funding part of the school?

His father shot him a serious look and warned, "Brooke, behave." Which earned him an eyeroll from his ungrateful son. If only they knew that we are saving their lives. Would he finally be grateful? Hmm... probably not. Better to save on saliva.

West cleared his throat before stressing that the moment we arrive, we must all try our best to not draw attention to ourselves.

"...and how do we do that?" Mini Av voiced out. "We're arriving in a multi-million-dollar yacht. What's not to look at?"

"Good point," The eldest Izhar answered. "However, we don't have much of a choice. What we can control is how fast we can refuel and skedaddle out of there."

The Izhar's and Alex all murmured their agreements. Poor Alex aimed his gaze at his family wishing, begging for them to all be on the same page.

"We need to talk," Judy said sternly to her husband. She gave a pause before adding, "alone."

The couple got up and walked towards the corner of the room. "My patience has been stretched really thin, Alex. You're not telling me anything and you just expect me to blindly follow instructions from 'these'," she whispered, "people that broke into our house and threatened our family?" She rubbed her temples as she sighed, "You're just not behaving like yourself lately. Ever since they arrived. You have been acting strange."

Connally senior took in a deep breath and said in a hushed tone, "I know," he paused and made sure no one was eavesdropping. "I know and totally understand your concerns about the current situation but trust me when I say that the less you know the better." He sighed and dropped both his arms on the shoulders of his wife's. "The less you'll hurt."

"Wait what do you mean by hurt?" she asked perplexed in a higher tone now.

"I'm looking forward to go down to land. Been such a long time. I need a stretch and a break from the same bland walls." Jordan piped.

"See, Jordan is excited. Judy, you have nothing to worry about," Alex cheered as he returned back to the group.

"Alright, enough delay now!" West clapped. "Mat, Rocket and myself will stay by the docks to help Jackal refuel and load up some barrels with extra."

"Hey," Harry interjected. "I can help too. Why aren't I on the list?"

"Ugh..." Brooke groaned. "You've got that defect of an arm, duh. With an arm like that, it's understandable that even a slave like you won't get taken for a job."

"Shut your trap you entitled brat!" Harry hissed. "Bet you've never worked a day in your life!"

"You're right," Brooke smirked. "Because that's a slave's job, not mine."

'Bang!' Harry pierced his hook deep into the mahogany custom-built dinners table "YOU!" Harry trembled, his face turning red with rage.

"That was table imported," squeaked Alex.

"ENOUGH!" West yelled. "Harry, take your seat, you will do what I say and you... Mr. Connally have some nerve to talk!"

"Umm... Brooke," Alex trembled. His eyes darting to his son and then to West and then back. Brooke saw that and for some reason, that made him mad.

He stood up straight and slammed the mahogany table. Alex winced at another abuse to his table. "What's gotten into you DAD?! How dare you take orders from these SLAVES!?" he spat.

"LEAVE THIS ROOM AT ONCE!" West motioned for the door.

"YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!" Brooke yelled back.

"Brooke, go to your room," Alex said softly.

Brooke looked towards his family for support. Jordan, not making eye-contact and his mother comfortingly telling him to listen to his father. Suddenly, Brooke's eye's showed something I've only ever seen once. Hurt. He stormed out of the room without another word. I half felt bad for him. My family may not always agree with me, but I can always trust that they always have my back. 

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