Chapter 13 - History

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'Day 3' I scratched on the cold stone wall. Little to no light seeps through the narrow cracks. My uncle perched helplessly, shivering in the corner of the opposite cell. His fine jaw line, bruised, his dark hair ruffled up and his clothes torn. We were given little to no food. My throat is so parched that even breathing hurts. Together, we've endured countless beatings from the guards. Well, Rock had it worse. I wish I could just stretch out my hand and rub the small of his back. Tell him everything is going to be ok. Tell him we'll get through this.

On the bright side, at least they took my handcuffs off me. Which was a relief. Those things hurt.

From what I heard from the guards, we were going to have some sort of trial or pulled into questioning or something any day now.

Is this really how I'm going to die? Will this really be the end? They took so many things from me. When will they just stop? It was so perfect before. How do West, Avery and the triplets do it? How have they never gotten caught?

I'm so cold. So tired. I don't even have the energy in me to cry. My vision dims and my consciousness whisks away.

Away too much simpler times. Happy times.

I was 7. West was only a messenger at The Order back then. The Peak was the most vibrant place you'll ever see. People dance and sing together as if they've known each other their entire lives. The triplets, are the most charming and beautiful set of teenagers you'll ever meet. I've only ever heard Birdie sing a handful of times and her voice has to be the most alluring voice you'll ever hear. From the moment you hear her sing the first note to the last. Your complete attention is on her. You'll be so enchanted that all your worries and problems just dissolve.

Mat and Harry, the inseparable duo. Never a dull moment with them. Every night is a new adventure. I have no idea how they learnt how to do what they do, but they were brilliant. Knife throwing, fire juggling, magic tricks, party tricks, you name it, they got it.

My best friend and uncle, so desperately trying to catch up with the two but were always one step behind. The twins, however, were patient and kind. Not afraid of teaching him their ways. Though, we need to be careful as it might be filled with a cup full of mischief.

West was at his peak. He was the happiest and most easygoing man on the face of the earth. Everything was going smoothly.

Avery was the loveliest woman you'll ever see. For this was when she'd first met Sorian. The man was completely smitten over her. You could see, he never took his eyes off her. He adored everything she did and you could tell, my aunt loved the attention.

Well... that was until, a man fashioned in black, from head to toe, came in. One conversation with West changed everything. His face became grim and he suddenly doesn't seem like a very approachable person. He was always so tense and strict about everything we did. It wasn't long after that Avery and the triplets began to offer their services to The Order.

The House Of Izhar was formed. That name, is notorious in the underground. For all the wrong reasons. It was also around that time that Avery began distancing herself from Sorian. I remember the look in his eyes and his broken face as he told her that he'll wait.

So dark, so cold...



"About time word got to you," gruffed a voice.

Who was that? I dragged my limp body across to the edge of my cell to catch a glimpse and that's when I saw...

"West?" I croaked.

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