Chapter 17 - Voices in The Dark

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That night, we slept in the lounge area whereas the Connally's slept in their private suite. Not that I'm complaining. The boys slept in one corner and the girls took the other. It was pitch black in here. I rolled around and around. It was cold, then hot, then cold again. Have I mentioned that Mini Av is a hugger!? I only just found out today! I laid on my side, trying to get some 'Zs' and then... an arm wrapped around me. I thought I was about to die! Every time I peeled her hand off, she would just toss it on again. infuriating! I can't sleep!

I got up, grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around myself. I looked back at the Mini Av. She rolled around, arms searching looking for something to hug. When she couldn't find anything, she hugged herself. "Mom, don't leave me," she whimpered. "Not again."

I took a pillow from a nearby chair and wrapped her arms around it. "Mom is not going to leave you. She just went out to the market," I whispered into her ear. She smiled and her body relaxed. I tucked her into the blanket that she had kicked off. She nuzzled her nose into the pillow.

I have no recollection of what their mom looked like. No one ever told me. Seeing Birdie in that vulnerable moment, I wondered what she was really like.

I tip-toed over my snoring and drooling uncles and carefully slide the door open. A gush of wind punched my face sending chills down my body. I wrapped the blanket tighter. I took a stroll around the deck.

It was a moonless night. The stars were bright. They were beautiful. The waves were calm but the air was cold. The waves sloshed around like waves do. I walked further, intending to make a full lap until... There, where we ate dinner and where West told us why Connally is a target.

Sat shadows. Not just any shadows, they were moving. I glided to the inner side of the deck and tossed my blanket over my head before advancing. The shadows were human. Not one but two. Apparently, they were having a hushed conversation. I drew closer. The shadows became figures. I hid behind some crates and wrapped my body tighter under my blanket as I listened in.

The figures became more define and their voices became more distinct. Wait... is that Sorian!? Oh, and that's Avery! What are they doing out so late?

"Sorian, no. You know we can't. We've already put you in so much danger. Being with us would only make you a bigger target."


There was silence. Or maybe... they were just talking too softly. Avery began to undo some of Sorian's bandages around his back. He winced.

I wonder when he injured himself? So many things had happened, that wound could have been inflicted during any one of our ambushes. Had he been holding in that pain this whole time? How did he keep such composure?

"You've done a sloppy job bandaging yourself," Avery commented. "You're lucky it isn't infected."

Sorian chuckled. My aunt took the role of fresh gauze and began to wrap... aggressively.

"I can't breathe."

"Don't be a baby," she retorted as she secured the gauze. The moment she was finished, Sorian lead out a breath and lead back towards the eldest Izhar girl. Resting his head on her chest. His eyes gazed at hers as if she was the most precious thing in the world. She probably is in his eyes.

"How did a white boy like me get so lucky," Sorian mouthed. Avery didn't answer. She wrapped her arms around him as the two stared into the night sky. "I'm stuck with this family," he smiled.

"No, you're not," she replied. "At least, not yet. You still have time to leave and..."

"I don't want to." There was deafening silence again. The two just stared at each other. For five minutes. They have been staring at each other for FIVE stupid MINUTES! Wait... they're talking at least I think they are. Their mouths are moving but I can't hear a single thing they say.

Got to get closer. I inched my way closer and closer. Taking precautions to stay in the dark. My shadow must not be seen. It might give my presence away. I hung my arms forward like a zombie (still having my blanket draped over me) and walked crab-legged just in case if my shadow were to be spotted, I won't be recognized as a human.

Their voices were becoming clearer. Their faces were so close to each other. Just a little closer. Almost there, almost... 'creak'.

Avery pushed Sorian's face away as her eyes darted towards the general direction of the creak. "Who's there?"

I'm a statue. I'm a statue. I'm a statue. My quads are burning!!!!! I clamped my eyes shut. If I don't see you, you don't see me. If I don't see you, you don't see... "Ouch!" something dense had pelted my head. I yelped and my hands instinctively flew to cover my mouth but it was too late, I had already made the sound. The blanket fell, revealing my identity.

"Morgie, how long were you here?" she asked cautiously. Sorian was tomato red. He buried his hands into his flustered face. "Morgie, what did you hear?" she asked again.

Well... it has been a long time since I've done any mischief so... I reached for my blanket, perked my head up, puckered my lips and muttered slyly, "I'll never tell." Then, I made a mad dash, giggling all the way in the dead of night. She ran after me, of course. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. This felt good. I've never had so much fun. I weaved past the furniture and slid under the tables. We ran laps around the boat. I've passed the flustered Sorian so many times. I could run forever.

I looked behind me to check if my aunt was catching up. She wasn't. In fact, she wasn't even in my view. Maybe she hadn't even rounded the corner yet. I slowed my pace and bumped my head into...

Avery pinned me to the ground wrapping my limbs tightly with my blanket until I could not flail no longer. "How did you do that?" I asked.

"I just ran the opposite way," she smiled. "Going to tell me how much you've heard?"

I grinned, "Nope."

She tickled the underside of my feet. I laughed until my eyes grew wet. The worst part is, I couldn't even move. "Going to tell me now?" she taunted. When I didn't answer, she tickled me some more.

"Okay fine!" I let out. She stopped. I steadied my breathing. "Can you let me out of this?"

My aunt relented and began to unwind me. By this time, Sorian had emerged. Face still flustered. His white face made it even more obvious. He now wore his shirt properly and had a blanket wrapped firmly around him.

"Going to tell me now?" she asked again.

I cleared my voice and sang, "Avery and Sorian sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Sorian's face grew to an even more intense shade of red and to my surprise, Avery roped him in and pecked him on the lips. His eyes went wide. His fingers flew to his lips as he stared at me.

I stared back at him and I squealed. Avery motioned for me to quiet down and I did. She smiled and slid her arm in between his. Sorian didn't even protest. He couldn't even fully comprehend.

"Happy now?" she asked. I nodded furiously back at her. "Now, go back to sleep. We have a full day ahead of us tomorrow."

I did as I was told without any complaints. Tonight had been such a magical night.

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