Chapter 18 - Messenger

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Brooke Connally, 15 years of age, rich, good-looking and most importantly... popular. Being at a prestigious boarding school such as St. John's is really just the icing on top.

Brooke's dad has always told him that connections are important and always keep your nose up. The teenager has always gotten everything he asks for. His latest gift being the portable radio. He was content, happy... at least until... the wretched Izhars. How they even got into the school, Brooke doesn't know but he hated it. They're invading the whites. Taking out the prestigious and slowly turning it into the common school.

He tried to do his job as the popular kid. Put these 'slaves' into place and let them know that they are not and never will be welcome. However, his plans had always been thwarted. Hudson Magnus had always been gracious and kind to him, treating him as his equal but ever since those Izhar's arrived, they made me look like he bad guy in front of him.

Years of the Connally's generous donations to the school. The Connally's have always been giving and giving but when we wanted to ask for once, they have the audacity to turn us down! The request was simple, to send the Izhars back to where they belong.

They've tarnished the Connally's reputation and wreaked havoc on his future prospects in the process. They killed my friend, caused me to miss prom and worse of all... ruined my reputation!

The Great Almighty Alex Connally submitting to mere slaves? Leave the country they say, leave everyone did. They might've got Alex and Judy Connally tied but they will never get Brooke tied. Never!

The Izhar's are starting to get into Jordan's head. At night when we were sleeping, Jordan said that she heard giggling. She got out of bed and peeked through a window.

"Brooke," she said. "They were playing. Maybe they're more like us than we realize?"

"Jordan, are you hearing yourself right now? They're monsters! Th-th-they MURDERED HIM!" Brooke shuddered; eyes glossy. He looked away quickly, wiping his face on his sleeve.

"How are you so sure? Morgan and Rocket arrived to school like the rest of us, remember?"

"I know what I saw!" Brooke interjected. "I saw the 'slave's mark on him!"

"Nobody else saw that mark on his body, Brooke." Jordan took a deep breath then added, "Dad told us that the body was slightly warm. That meant that he wasn't dead for long after he was discovered."

After hearing what his little sister had to say, he couldn't stand any more of it. He grabbed his radio and walked out of their room, through the indoor dinning where his parents and the 'slaves' sat having their 'discussions' and out through the door. He didn't even spare a single glance at his parents. Brooke made his way to the front deck.

He made sure no one was around as he flipped his radio on, extended the antenna and fumbled the knobs around for a signal. Minutes later a coherent voice could be heard amongst the white noise. He sat cross-legged on the ground as he clutched the radio to hear what it has to say.

The speaker cracked with the sound of an identifiable distorted voice. It was a female's as far as Brooke's concerned. "The Connally's had disappeared. It was known that they pulled their children abruptly out of school right after the murder of one of St. John's students. Poor kid. Who would do such a thing? Nobody knows but what we know for certain is that the body has a bloody mark of a dove with a reed in its mouth at..."

Brooke didn't need to hear the rest of it. He knew it. The lady on the radio knew about it. That means there are others who knows about it too. He wasn't hallucinating. He had seen that unmistakable mark. The House Of Izhar, YOU WILL PAY. 

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