Chapter 28 - Realization

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"We can't stay here for long. Every minute we spend, we endanger the others on the boat."

"I agree with Avery," Sorian chimed. "The hospital isn't far from here. I suggest that Morgie and Rock stay with the scumbag while the rest of us get Fly."

"I agree. Happy right here." Alex sat cross legged on the ground patting the soil around him.

"Wait what?" I protested. No way am I going to play babysitter. "I want to help."

"No," said the eldest Izhar girl firmly. "The Order is after that scumbag. We can't let him jeopardize our mission."

"Then why did West let him come?!"

"Let's go," Avery beckoned, ignoring my question completely. One by one, the team began to file out. I tried to follow them but was stopped by Sorian. He held me by the shoulders and bent down on his knees so our height levelled. He looked me in the eye as he mouthed, "wait here." Then, he to left along with them. Leaving Rock and I alone with that scumbag. We were yet again excluded. I can't believe this. I thought we finally got affiliated. Why do I have to stay back? I'm the least injured compared to the rest. I should be there with them. We came all this way just to turn back halfway.

Meanwhile, that scumbag was shuffling around muttering something non-comprehendible. As time passed on, I got more and more jittery. "I need to get out there. I know where the hospital is."

"But Sorian said..."

"I don't care what he says, Rock."

"You should listen to your father," Alex added.

I felt myself flinch at the last word. "What did you say?" My teeth were clamped shut and my fingers were balled into fists as I turned to face him.

"Morgie what are you doing?" I heard Rock say.

"You should listen to your father," Alex repeated, slower, louder and bolder this time.

"I have no father," I boomed. I grabbed that good for nothing scumbag by the collar.


At that moment, I could feel the anger possessing me. The very feeling coursing through my very veins. We are risking everything for this man. His family has done nothing but ruin my life. "Don't ever use that word ever again," I spat.

A hand landed on my shoulder. I turned and locked eyes with my best friend and best uncle. He had hobbled on his one good leg towards me. "You're better than this."

The longer I looked into his eyes, the more I felt tears welling up in mine. Finally, I dropped the scumbag and stormed into the darker corners of our hiding spot. 

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