Chapter 14 - Ambush

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Connally. co, the most influential business cooperation that ever existed. Led by Alex Connally himself and his five friends. AKA, the fathers of Brooke's goons. Horrible. Morally corrupt individuals. Honestly, I don't mind if they get killed but why were they a target? Why didn't West want to kill him?

We're on a train across town. We packed what little we had. Rocket had woken up. A little stiff but otherwise, he's okay.

Sorian managed to get us tickets. The staff weren't thrilled but Sorian offered to pay more and they couldn't turn it down. There were no private cabins available. So, we were strapped to our seats until the end of the ride. Plus, there were tons of other people on this ride, so we had to be conscious of what we said. Never know who's listening in. Which is so annoying because I still have so many unanswered questions.

The ride was not the least comfortable. There were certainly many bickering of disagreements about us running throughout the cabin.

"You'll get used to it," Birdie rubbed the anxious Rocket's back. I mean, can you blame him? He's been sheltered most of his life. It's one thing having kids stare at him and it's another to have adults glaring at you.

"Flick your wrists like this." Mat twisted in slow-motion. Spreading his index and middle finger like a fan. Obviously, we can't practice with the actual cards. So, we practised with invisible ones. went as well as you'd expect.

I turned my arm, trying to mimic the movement. I think that's right? But Mat just made a low sigh. "No, not like that. The card won't cut through the air." He made another gesture claiming that that is how I'll be able to thrust the card forward.

Meanwhile, Harry was still adjusting to his hook. The loss of his hand still devastated him. Whenever he thinks no one is looking, he would cry himself to sleep. We all knew it but knowing Harry, the best help you could offer him is to let him be. He hates it when he loses his independence or when people see him as vulnerable.

"How long are we going to travel for?" Birdie perked from the seat behind me towards West and Sorian who sat on the opposite aisle.

Sorian glanced at his pocket watch and thought for a bit before answering. "Couple more hours."

West nodded. "Hopefully it won't be too late."

Mild vibrations ran through the cabin as the aroma of freshly baked pastries came strolling in. A woman dressed in a white apron and red lipstick pushed the cart through. She handed out the pastries one by one to the passengers all while wearing that plastered smile. When she reached us, her smile never faded. Something's wrong. I could feel it. No white woman would offer pastries to us as she would to any other white person.

"Would you like one?" the woman asked silkily. Rocket stretched his arm forward to grab one but Avery slapped his arm down.

"Ow... what's that for?" Rocket whined but as if on cue, all the passengers slumped on their seats like flaccid vegetables.

"Nice disguise Alicia. What a pleasure to see you again," Avery gave a fake smile as she straightened her posture. Whenever her posture straightens, you know something is about to go down.

Alicia, I've heard that name before. Apparently, she was one of our business associates several years ago. No idea what happened after that. But I guess this was our reunion?

"House of Izhar! What a surprise! Funny running into you here," Alicia lied. Then, her face contorted into a murderous grin. "On a mission. Nothing personal." She grabs a tranquillizer gun.

Harry, miraculously blocked them with his hook deflecting it into someone's baggage. "You've become sloppy."

Mat flicked several cards in her direction which she gracefully dodged like it was nothing.

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