Chapter 6 - Crest

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The blaring alarm sounded. It was deafening. I sandwiched the pillows around my head to muffle out the sound but it didn't make a difference. To be honest, an alarm clock is nothing compared to the twins wake up roulette. The moment they're on duty, it's like you've just entered a wrestling arena. If you don't wake up in thirty seconds after their first call, you're going to get jumped on and getting them off is as easy as separating a smooth stone into equal halves with your bare wet hands. But still, this stupid alarm is annoying!

"Switch the stupid thing off!" I yelled.

"Assembly's in an hour," stupid Jordan replied.

I rolled over to glare at her. She was already fully dressed in her school attire. Her dark hair neatly tied into a pony tail. She was sitting on her bed smugly patting her alarm clock like it was her prized possession. Her smile made her look like agonizing me seemed entertaining to her. That's right, I'm the rich girl's new toy.

"Just switch the stupid thing off!" I groaned.

"Get up and do it yourself."

"I'm not getting up," I replied lazily.

"Then it's not going to turn off."

Ugh, she's so annoying. I grabbed my pillow and hurled it towards the alarm clock, knocking it off its initial position with such force that it landed with the satisfying sound of coins falling out of its piggy bank. The alarm ceased to sing its favourite chorus. I'm no longer miserable, my roommate looks shocked that I was able to hit the clock from such an uncomfortable distance with such precision and everyone is happy. Well, except her. She was...

"What the heck!? That was brand new! Did you even know how much it costs!?"

"More than you!" I sneered. I got up from my bed, took my clothes and trotted out.

I slipped on my new uniform and tied my tie. I've sneaked into so many places with Rocket dressed as a boy that tying a tie has become as simple as a mundane task. I hate how the skirt is so short. I hate how you could feel the wind in between your legs. I messily ran my fingers through my hair until it turns out to be somewhat presentable before I made my way downstairs to breakfast.

I scanned the surroundings for my favourite uncle but couldn't find him. Disheartened by this, I randomly selected a sandwich from the breakfast buffet and decided to eat it on the go. I discreetly made my way to the little nook. Taking one last attempt to spot my uncle, I scanned the quadrangle from my new vantage point. Unfortunately, not a single one of them bore any resemblance to my fretful uncle.

I waited for him until I could wait no more. I trotted down the stairs and made my way, all by myself, into the hall for assembly.

One assembly that I did not pay attention to later, I followed the crowd of dispersing students leaving the hall to their various classes when I caught a glimpse of the one and only...

"Rocket!" As I advanced to the familiar face, I noticed his half-tucked shirt, rumpled hair, messily knotted tie and untied shoe laces. I quickly helped to redo his tie and flatten down his ever-standing hair. "Did you get caught entering?" I whispered. He shook his head. "Tuck in your shirt properly," I said as I bent down to help tie his shoelaces.

I helped to clean him up in record time. We rushed into the crowd of dispersing children acting as if Rocket was never late in the first place. As we near the exit of the hall, we had to split into lines of our respective houses. One by one, our school attire was checked by our respective house chiefs. I see students left right and centre being pulled out for violating the uniform.

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