Chapter 2 - 1 Against 6

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None of my family members are allowed to visit Fly without West's permission. "We can't afford anyone to blackmail us with Fly's life," he once said. In my entire life, I think I've only visited my mother five times? Maybe? I can't remember. I could never feel any connection to her. Whenever I look at her lifeless body, I don't see my mother. I see a stranger.

The stranger's stories who have been ingrained in me. Though, I sometimes like to imagine the stranger's face to look like someone else. The stories my aunts and uncles tell me doesn't suit the face I saw. I don't know what to expect, really. I guess I was expecting to see someone like me but I know that's not true. My mother looks just like the rest. Dark hair, tan skin, fine jawline. Like West said, I took after my father. I hated that.

There are two rules that we all follow. No pictures and no journals. Leave no evidence of our existence behind. We live, we die and leave nothing.

"You haven't even started packing anything," Birdie said walking into our shared bedroom and breaking my daydream. "Have you seen Rocket's state? He's been packing and unpacking three times already."

I could feel her staring at me. I dared not make eye contact. Making eye contact equals to I have to give an answer to her. I didn't want to. I didn't want to accept the fact that I'm going to leave home tomorrow.

"The twins have got you a new bag. Well, they stole it but that doesn't matter. "

I looked up to see Birdie holding a dark leather bounded suitcase. It was my favourite shade of brown. It was love at first sight. I had the urge to swipe it out of Mini Av's hand but I caught myself. I must not show any interest in it. Maybe if I just... No! shut it down. Must not give in to temptation.

"I know you want it, Morgie." She sang. "Ooh! Look at that, it has compartments!"

I snatched it from her and hugged it tightly to my chest. I gave in. I hated myself for that but when I smelt the fresh leather, I knew it was worth it. I saw the edges of Birdie's mouth curled up and I narrowed my eyes into slits. "Don't you dare," I hissed.

And she said exactly what I expected. "Aren't you going to use it?"

I sulked my sulkiest sulk because I knew she was right. I had to use it. What's a point of a suitcase if you aren't going to use it? I opened it reluctantly and... the inside was even more beautiful than the outside. I love it!

"Let me help you pack," Birdie said strolling to my wardrobe and taking out a dark purple cloak. My cloak. Well, it was Fly's but Avery said that she wanted to give it to me. She folded it and neatly placed it into the suitcase. "There! One down."

As the day goes by, slowly but surely, my suitcase began to fill up. As much as I didn't want to pack, I can't let Birdie pack it all for me. She would pack me dresses. The ones that I would only have to wear for special events. The ones I absolutely hate. How could anyone like wearing a dress?

The guys don't have to wear them. Why do I have to? I refuse. I take dresses out just as Birdie puts them in. She and Avery may like to wear them but they can't make me! I won't go down without a fight.

West decided to close The Peak early today so that we could have one last family dinner. Not that we usually have any together. We ate in silence. It was so weird to see everyone eating at the same time. No one was working. No beers needing to be served, no tables needing to be wiped.

I see Mat and Harry snickering at each other. They're probably saying some inside joke I don't understand.

"You two packed everything?" West asked.

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