Chapter 20 - A Day In Town

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"Remember dress modestly. Do little to draw attention to yourself. We'll meet back here at sundown," West reminded. "Have fun and remember to buy the groceries for the next few weeks."

We waved our goodbyes as we walked into town. The little town was beautiful. Stone arches with blooming creepers stretching across the walls draping them with a coat of bright yellow. Every shopfront was designed and decorated in a way to fit the store's aesthetic. No single shopfront was the same. Some had units the size of towers others had roofs pointed and crooked. Stained glass roofs jutted out from the first floor to shield us from the rain if it were to come. Luckily for us, it was a bright sunny day.

The rays of light stabbed through the stained glass, coloring the floor with all sorts of hues and values. The town almost doesn't seem real at all. I could stand here all day and take it all in...

"Attention!" Sorian clapped. Brooke groaned. "I'm sure you kids would all like to go and explore so, Mister and Misses Connally, Avery and I would go and get some groceries. You kids stay together and explore but make sure you meet us back here in a couple of hours, okay? Harry, I trust that you'll bring the group back in one piece?"

Harry glared at Brooke before agreeing reluctantly. We all know that he really wished to be with his brothers and help out at the dock. Even though West might be right that Harry's missing limb might cause more of an inconvenience than help, he would rather suffer along if not harder with his brothers than tag along with the girls and the posh and entitled brats. No offence to the girls though.

Sorian had given us a handsome sum of money to spend today. Money is something we Izhars rarely use. We usually just take things.

We didn't wander around for long when... "KYAAAAAH!" Jordan squealed. "They have that dress! I got to go and get that!" She pointed at a summer dress on display. I honestly have no words to describe that dress except that it's girly.

"What's so nice about that? Don't you already own dozens of those?" I remarked.

She rolled her eyes at me. "That dress is not just any dress but a dress designed and handmade by Cuff Hugo himself. No single dress he makes is the same. There is only one type of each in the world. So, it's like super rare."

"Wait!" Birdie pipped. "The Cuff Hugo? The very designer who made the fit for Maureen Isles and Georgie Duff?"

Jordan's eyes went wide as if suddenly meeting up with someone who finally understood her. "OMG, yes!" she screamed.

"I've only ever seen his works through the papers. I'd never have thought that I would ever see them in real life!"

Jordan smiled and began with all sorts of facts that she read and heard about—fashioned with silk, embroidery on the sleeves, yada, yada, yada. Began designing his parent's clothes when he was eight... yada, yada, yada.

Suddenly, Bridie grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the store, trailing just behind Jordan.

"Girls! We got to stay together!" Harry hollered and hurried himself behind us.

The moment we entered the stall, the air was tense. Dozens of customers alike were huddling together stabbing their glares at us like we were a plague. Birdie's grip tightened. Harry laid his arm and hook on either of our shoulders. "This is enemy territory."

It was enemy territory indeed. Not even ten minutes in the store and someone had already called security on us. A large man, the size of West barged into our way. "Leave."

"We'll leave right away," Harry smiled and steered us towards the exit.

"They're with me," Jordan voiced. "They're going to help me carry my clothes back."

The security guard stared at her, then at us, made a dissatisfied gruff noise and stalked away. We followed Jordan closely like loyal hounds treading foreign territory. Asked one of the staff if she could try on Cuff Hugo's dress and she said she could.

She brought the dress and countless other expensive dresses into a private changing room. Jordan stepped into the changing cubicle and a moment later she stepped out wearing Cuff Hugo's design first. The staff praised her for how the dress made her eyes sparkle.

"It looks flat."

The staff looked at me in utter disbelief and my eyes opened wide. Did I just say that out loud? Oops. The staff opened her mouth to protest but Jordan interjected, "Yeah, she's right. The cutting is not to my measurements." Her eyes droop in disappointment but then they brightened again when she saw Birdie. "Birdie, why not you try it?"

Birdie brightened at the invite but was immediately dampened when, "Sorry, but this piece of royal fabric isn't made for the likes of you."

"Says who?" Jordan and I say in unison. I look away as fast as I can. Jordan Connally and I, on the same page? That same bully who alarm clocks me out of bed?

In short, we won that argument. Birdie tried the dress on and man was she stunning. The dress draped over her body so naturally. "Wow," her brother breathed.

Birdie looked at herself in the mirror and smiled teary-eyed. "For the first time, I actually feel pretty."

"It's Five thousand two hundred," The staff placed emphasis on the 'five'.

"FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED??!" Jordan exclaimed.

Birdie smiled at her reflection. "It was fun while it lasted."

"That's Cuff Hugo for you."

"We'll buy it!" Jordan said with conviction. Everyone's eyes went wide—even mine.

"No, no, you don't have to..." Birdie was shaking her head. "You should use that on yourself. I'm not even worthy."

"I've made up my mind. I've got many dresses at home anyway."

The transaction went quickly. Jordan handed the unpleased woman the wad of money. Even after we're out of the store. Five thousand dollars doesn't leave my mind. West only gave us 20. And 20 is a lot of money. So many people dream of having that kind of money to throw around.

"We should probably head back now. Sorian and the Connallys might be done with their groceries by now." Harry pointed out. "Guys, has any one of you seen Brooke?"

Brooke? Oh, crap, Brooke! All of us began to frantically look around for him. Come to think of it, I don't think I even remember seeing him in the store with us. We paced around as quickly as we could. Where could he have gone too?

We see Sorian come into view and Harry runs full speed towards him. "Brooke is gone!"

"He's what?"

We combed the unfamiliar street for a good half an hour until we saw the familiar brushed-to-one-side hairstyle. "Brooke!" his sister yelled. "What part of staying together did you not understand!"

"Relax, I just got more batteries for my radio." He pulled out a pocket full of batteries to justify his statement. Oddly, he refused to make any eye contact with either one of us. He's probably embarrassed. 

We all made a mutual agreement not to tell anyone what had happened. No one wants another West outbreak. Everyone's safe and that's all that matters. 

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