TFP| Predaking x Femme! Predacon reader

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Requested by: Zaijuna

Plot: Predaking is new to team Prime. (Y/n) however has been with the team for ages and is very carrying, sweet and loving to them. She's trying to teach Predaking what loves means and that the world is not all that bad after all.

Warnings: None

A/n: First request of this book. So, thank you for requesting. I have changed my writting style a little bit. I want to be more descriptive and just a little bit different than people are used too.

The Sunset beauty

The orange gold and crimson red stretches far and wide. The sunset is merely a prelude to the dawn, yet its beauty fills my mind with the most beautiful of dreams. At the edge of the cloud there was a brilliant white patch, like a turning page catching the sun.

My optics focused on the horizon, face aglow with the last orange-gold rays of sun before the twilights beckons the stars. My derma's semblance of a smile, just enough to show that I am enjoying my evening. Predaking moves a bit closer so that I feel his presence but stay quiet, allowing myself to be lost in this beautiful, magical scenery a bit longer.

I slightly turned my gaze by hearing Predaking's movement again. 'Are you thinking about the Decepticons?' My voice merely harder than the soft, warm breeze surrounding us. 'Is it that obvious?' His reply caught my full attention. The angry tune betrayed his fear of going back to the scumbags. Those who had mentally and physically hurt him.
'You're not going back to them, King...' all I got was a snort and a roll of his optics that proved he wasn't too sure about that.

'Being loved' is not something he has in his vocabulary. Never experienced it by anyone, never even seen it. His spark is empty, cold and embittered. An empty place full of sadness and pent up anger. Around this empty spark, a thick shell to keep people away. It just didn't work for me. I was determined of showing him what love means. To show him what my parents gave me.

He's not raised the same way as I was back on Cybertron. My carrier was the general direction in life, she organized the chores, school and brought joy. My sire did nothing but work, but once in a while, he would spend time with me. When he did, my world brightened for those precious moments.

Predaking got up, stretching himself and turned away. 'I am going inside...' he muttered. My eyes followed his movement until he had disappeared. I slacked a sigh and stared back at the horizon where the sun had nearly completely vanished. The moon graced the sky. A warm milky glow in the sky, surrounded by bright stars and somewhere among them, in a different galaxy, Cybertron. I liked the idea that Cybertron was among one of those small dots in the night sky. It gave some sort of security that no matter how far I was, Cybertron was still near.

I slid off the rock and headed inside. Silence surrounded me. Most bots were resting. Only Ratchet was still in the hanger. I wanted to believe that he was keeping an eye on Miko. She lay on the couch, feet twitching to the music and eyes half closed. Bulkhead should've brought her home already. I slightly shook my helm before turning to the medic who was far from paying attention to me or the girl on the couch.


I touched his armor lightly. 'Are you dying, (Y/n)?' Although the question was serious, I knew he was joking. It's just sense of humor. I nudged him. 'Hey!' I smiled softly. 'It's late. You should get some rest like everyone else and where's Bulkhead?' I asked. Ratchet took a moment to look around and came to the same conclusion as I did a few minutes ago. 'Miko should've been at home already,' he scowled. 'Where's the fragger?'

The medic turned off his computer. 'Miko! Let's go.' The young girl perked her head up and removed her headphones. 'What?!' I chuckled at her confusion. 'You're going home.' She ohh'ed and jumped back on her feet. 'Where's Bulkhead?' No one could answer. 'It doesn't matter... I will take you home right away... Tell Bulkhead I am taking Miko home if you spot him somewhere,' Ratchet muttered. I gave a small nod and watched the medic transform. The girl sprinted down the stairs and jumped in the abulance.

Other than Ratchet and Miko, everyone had retreated to their dorm and I probably should get some rest too. Overthink today and probably last week as well. I have always felt a serenity upon recharging. I love my berth, the silence, my drifting thoughts and the space between wakefulness and recharge. I feel like I can finally relax.

I didn't spot Bulkhead on my way to my dorm and I was postive he had fallen asleep. It's been a stressful week for everyone, especially for Predaking. Therefore, I decided to check up on him one more time to see if he was okay. I knocked on his door before letting myself in. Something I am not supposed to do. Primus knows what mechs do in their spare time and I rather don't catch them doing something I don't wanna see.

Predaking was laying on his berth, staring up the ceiling. The sound of his systems filled the air without effort. A mixture of several sounds. His helm turned as he spotted me standing at the doorway. 'What are you doing here?' there was no tension in his voice, just tiredness. With a shrug of my shoulders, I shut the door and approached him, sitting down on the edge. He blinked. 'What?' I reached for his face, smoothing the metal. His eyes are so different in moments like these, more soft than I knew eyes could be. I slightly lowered my face, pulling him a in a gentle kiss. A kiss that steeped with passion and ignites. Million loving thoughts condensed into a moment.

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