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Third person

Luke finished high school online. He went to therapy 3 times a week, and he was on medicine; he was getting the help he needed. Things weren't perfect, but they were better. Him and Ashton kept dating, out of the closet. Calum slowly fixed things with them all and fell hard and fast for Michael. Life kept going on for them all. When the end of senior year came they all ended up going to the same college. It wasn't planned, bu they assumed fate decided to be on their side after everything.

Ashton proposed two years into their college careers. Calum proposed a year later. But both weddings kept being shoved back.

"Right after college."
"Next year."
"Once the adoption is final."

Life kept coming up, but there's no better time than the present.

So today, was going to be the happiest day of their lives. Luke and Ashton finally decided on a wedding date. They went all out, red roses, pure white table clothes and beautiful lights. Friends and family filled the room with excited talking and warm hearts. Luke was wearing a dress. The same exact one he had tried on with Bella. It had taken him forever to find it, but he did. And he felt like she was there with him. Like she was supposed to be.

Luke's p.o.v.

I soothed down my dress.

"You look beautiful." My mother said scaring me as she came up behind me.

"Thank you." I said tearing up. "This is it."

"I'm so proud of you. Of how far you've come, of where you'll go, of my grandkids. I love you. Luke. I make jokes and tease you, but that's my job as your mother. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy and," she paused to wipe away some stray tears. "I see the happy in you now. It's in your eyes, and your smile."

I wiped away a couple tears. "Mom, you're going to make me smudge my make up."

We both laughed a little and hugged.

"Let's get you down that isle." She linked her arm through mine, handed me my beautiful bouquet, and started to lead me from my room.

Third person

The wedding music swelled around then and the guest could feel the buzz of excitement in the air. Ashton, who had taken his place at the alter, turned to watch the double doors.

Michael and Calum came in first, followed by other friends they had made over the years, bridesmaids and grooms men linking arms.

Luke and Ashton's daughter, Bella, and Michael and Calums daughter, Mali, came down the isle together. They were both 6 and both were flower girls, leaving little petals along their walk.

Luke trailed behind them, escorted by his mother. Someone who had been his rock, and the decided together that she would be the one to give him away.

Ashton teared up, a lump formed in this throat, seeing his daughter and his very soon to be husband. Life had given him the best hand he decided to himself. This was his world, and he'd never let it go.

Luke's mom stopped at the end of the isle, kissed Luke's cheek, and took her seat. Luke had been trying very hard not to tear up but the happiness in him had won, and he shed a few tears of joy.

Once the vows had been said, the ring bearer was to have his moment to shine. Little Blake, 4 years old, older sister to Bella, slowly shuffled down the isle at turtle pace. The usually bubbly, loud, little boy was taking his joke very seriously. He did not want to drop the rings, so with a few giggles, he slowly made his way there.

Luke crouched down, kissed his cheek, and took the rings so he could go sit with his sister.

Rings exchanged, and one oh so scandalous kiss later. Luke's heart welled. He had looked to the croud and taken in the friends and family in the room. Until he spotted her. A face he hasn't seen since high school. Her blonde hair, her tank top and shorts. Her warm smile. She was there. In the back of the room. Smiling at him. A warmth spread over him, knowing she was there, right next to them, and he knew everything would be okay.
2nd scene.
I opened the car door and walked out. I looked around smiling and then went to help my daughter Bella out of the car. Ashton had gone around to get our son, Blake.

Michael and Calum had already pulled up with their two girls, Mali age 6 and Carly age 2.

I looked up at my old house, my parents had moved when I went off to college. But I wanted to visit, to get the things out of the tree. Take one last picture.

I carried Bella over to where the others were and set her down.

"Ready?" Ashton asks us.

"Ready." Michael says.

"Me too." Calum replies.

"Let's do this." I say and we all head off down the sort-of grown over path. The kids ran ahead into the clearing.

"Daddy this is so cool!" Blake yells and tries to climb the rock.

"We have to take a picture first Blake." I say.

Michael retrieved the tin, and pulled out the camera. Everyone lined up in front of the rock while michael set up the camera. It went, Me holding one of Bella's hands in the middle of Ashton and Me, he had taken her other hand while holding Blake. Michael ran over and took his place next to Ashton, Mali in front of him and Carly in the middle of him and Calum. We all smiled and waited for the click meaning the picture was taken.

The 3 girls ran off to play one of their games, leaving Blake to attempt to climb the rock. Calum jogged over and grabbed the picture.

I took it from him, along with the others from the tin. I looked at the picture and smiled. I made it. I lived to see this day with my best friends, to have kids. I looked up at the others running around. I'm glad i'm here for this. I looked up at the clouds. Bella might not be here in person but she's watching over us, I know it, my wedding day proved it. I put the pictures in the tin and ran to join my family.

The warm sun on my face, and the feeling of nostalgia surrounding me. I was happy. I was alive. And I was so, so thankful to be here. I never thought I would be here years ago. But here I was. I proved myself wrong and pulled through. I was ready for anything life was going to throw at me next. I had everything I needed, and I wouldn't give it for the world.

If this is shit, i'm sorry. I wrote most of it in one sitting and I didn't know how to sum everything up like I wanted it to. But huge huge huge thank you to jason_graceless who helped me with some plans for this chapter. And who had also just been an amazing person in general.

I guess it's time for me to click the little "complete" button on this story huh.

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