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Ashton p.o.v.

So it's Saturday. I can't breathe. Yeah, i have my face in a bowl of ice cream. I almost fell asleep and i dont wanna move.

"Ashton! My gay baby! I love you, but money doesn't grow on trees and that ice cream cost money so give me twenty dollars or eat that." My mom whacks my head.

"Mom." I say dragging out every letter. "Just because i told you i'm gay doesnt mean you can call me your gay baby."

"Well someone is in a mood." She said. "But i'm your mom so you can't be in a mood with me, so move." She shoved me from my chair and sat down.

"Gee thanks mom." I said and got up to clean the ice cream from my face.

After i finished cleaning my face, my phone started ringing. I checked my caller ID and answered when i saw "mikey and calumy" jeez group calls with these guys are loud. I was instantly greeted by them yelling.

"No, fuck you." Micheal said matter of factly.

"But I insist, fuck you." Calum replies.

"No, no my good sir, the fucks are all mine, so fuck you." Micheal says obviously winning that battle.

"So, do I even wanna know what just went down?" I ask.

"Calum challanged me into seeing who could say "fuck you" more politely." Micheal says.

You know, i'm just gonna hang up now.  I end the call and jog off to my room. My phone starts ringing again and I assume it the guys again so i answer.

"What do you want losers"

"Ashton, this is your soccer coach."

"Oh my god, sorry i thought you where Micheal and Calum."

"It's fine kid, just be at the feild in thirdy minutes, I decided to have a Saturday practice to get you guys heads in the game. We have been losing a lot." He says.

"Alright Coach." I say and he hangs up. Yeah ever since Luke stopped coming to cheer for us we've been playing awful.


Maybe i should call him later. I grab my things and take off for the feild.


Lukes' p.o.v

"Luke, please." Ben begged as i pushed my head further into my pillow. "You never leave your room, you never want to do anything anymore." He whined

I sat up from my bed. "10 minutes at the feild, if i don't have fun you leave me alone, if i have fun, we go every other day, deal?" He nodded quickly and i pried myself off the bed.

After getting dressed i follow Ben out of the house and we start walking toward the soccor field.

"RACE YA!" he yelled once we got close, i didnt bother to run but let out a breathy laugh.

I stop seeing the soccer team practicing. "Ben let's go over there." I say turning toward the other side of the field.

"Hey, it's faggy and his brother." Someone yells. I duck my head down and keep walking.

"Ben ignore them, you'll make it worse." I say, he nods looking annoyed and some what mad. He drops his ball and kicks it toward me.

"Aye Ben, didn't you know Gay doesn't know how to play?" That would be Harrison. The newest member of the team. As you can see he fits in just great.

I kick the ball back stumbling a bit but the ball gets back to him.

"I see you actually learned something from the good old days when we used to teach you stuff." Someone yelled.

"Can you guys just leave me alone?" A few snicker but others stay silent, I don't normaly fight back. "Can we go Ben?" He shakes his head.

"We're gonna stay a while longer, let's just ignore them." Well I don't know about you but i'm not having fun. I guess I don't have to come every other day now.

~monday at free period~

Bella sat under the tree sitting across from me. We were going over the history notes for the text tomorrow when. I was looking down at my book when I heard Bella gasp in pain. I looked up and saw her holding her back and three girls walking away.

"Are you okay?" I asked quickly crawling over.

"Yeah, yeah fine." She collected herself.

She's being bullied too. I let her sit where I was before, with her back to the tree. I have her an apologetic look and she shrugged it off.

I feel like it's my fault she's being hurt.




Another short bad chapter. Sorry i'm being slow with updates and when I do they suck. The next two chapters are longer and i'm actualy happy with them for once.

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