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Luke's p.o.v

I get to babysit Harry today. How old is he again? I mean he's a boy so he has to like video games....right?


My mom did this weird thing between a dance/skip/and excited wiggle to the door. She opened it smiling big and I almost rolled my eyes. Yeah, almost.

"Harry! Oh its so nice to see you again! Look how big you've gotten!" She pulled him into a tight hug. "Luke's over there, run along I gotta talk to you mom."

Harry wondered over to me and stared.

"Can we go in your room?" He asked.

"Sure, come on." I lead him up to my room. "Wanna play a video game? Its one of Ashton's favorites so i'm sure you'll like it."

He groans. "You're just like Ashton!" I give him a confused look. "He's always Luke this, Luke that, That's Lukes favorite, Luke and I used to. He never shuts up!" He says flopping onto my bed.

"Oh really now?" I ask smirking.

"Yes!" He groans again.

"C'mon let's just play the game." I say.

"So help me God if you say Ashton's name once i'm walking home." I laugh but agree to not say his name.

"Well this is 'he who shall not be named" favorite game." He stares at me for a minute.

"I'm going home." He gets up and walks away.

After stumbling after him laughing really hard, I managed to get him to stay and play the game with me.


Ashton's p.o.v.

"OH LUKEY! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LUKEY! THATS LUKEYS FAVORITE DRINK HARRY!" I chase Harry around the house, he just got back from Luke's.

"OH THIS IS ASHTONS FAVORITE GAME! ASHTON! I MISS YOU ASHTON!" Harry yells mimicking Luke now. "YOU TWO SHOULD JUST DATE ALREADY, DAMN." He bolts into his room and locks the door.

I knock. "No one's home, go away." He says calmly.

"Okay." I sat and pretend to walk off.

I hear the door unlocking and get ready to pounce. As soon as he opens it I jump on him and pin him to the ground.

"Did Luke say all that?" I ask. He squirms out from under me.

"No but he was thinking it, I know it." He says snuggly and runs off.

I lay on the floor like an idiot.  Then my phone starts ringing.

"Whoever it is go away." I say answering.

"Well damn sorry." A girls voice came through the phone.

"Who is this?" I ask.

"Bella. I stole your number from Luke. Did you know he puts emojis next to everyone's name? Yours is a turtle." She says.

"Why'd you call me?" I ask very confused.

"Talk to Luke, he looks at you like a sad puppy."

"That's why you called?" I ask.

"Just being a good friend." She says. There is a moment of silence and I thought she hung up. "Also Ashton, don't be afriad to get what you want. Ignore everyone else. If you want something go for it."

"Okay." I say and the line goes dead.

I don't have time to think about it because Harry's already inside with a water gun.

"Uncle!" I yell. "Uncle!" He stops when he hears the front door open and bolts into his room, leaving me sitting in the hall way wet.

"Ashton, child of mine, get a mop and clean this up." She steps over me and goes to her room.

"Hey Harry?" I shout and lean against his door.

"What?" He shouts back.

"Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke." I say.

"Go bug him not me!" He kicks the door.




Bella and Harry are hardcore Lashton Shippers. I had no clue how I wanted to end this for it to transfer to the next chapter and not mess anything up. I wrote the next chapter before this one because I had an idea and well, it made it a lot harder to finish this one.

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