Chapter 3

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*2 week time skip, a sunday night.*

Luke p.o.v.

So the feelings aren't going away. I've tried re-dating Jenna, it was awful. I tried ignoring the feelings and they just won't go away. I decided that before i come out to my parents i want to tell my friends. I texted Micheal, Calum, and Ashton to come over about 30 minutes ago.

"Luke your friends are here!" My mom yells. I jump up and ran into the closet.

"Luke where are you?" Micheal says.

"In the closet." I mumble.

"What?" Calum says. "Why?"

"We'll." I say walking out of the closet. "I'm out now." I say staring at them.

"Is this a metaphor i should be undstanding or?" Ashton says.

"Yes it is." I say and walk back in the closet closing the door. "I'm in the closet but." i walk out. "when i'm ready i come out. Get it?"

"Are you saying you're gay?" Micheal says looking mad.

"Y-yeah." I stumble out.

"That's sick!" Calum says. "That's just wrong!" He yells, Ashton stays quiet staring at me. Micheal comes over and shoves me.

"I bet you have a crush on someone dont you, fag." He gets in my face.

"N-no." I stutter scared.

"Come one let's go." Calum says pulling on Micheal. "Let's leave before we get the gay." The two leave my room and i hear them walk down the stairs. Ashton looks at me a little longer before shaking his head and running downstairs.

I slide down my closet door until i'm sitting on the floor and cried. I thought they were my friends. I can't believe they just turned on me like that.

"Lu- whats wrong?"  My mom sits down next to me and hugs me.

"Mom i'm gay." I blurt.

"Hun thats okay." She rubs my back. "Why are you crying?"

"T-the guys, they dont accept me." She keeps rubbing my back for i don't know how long before the front door closes.

"I think you should be the one to tell your father." She says before getting up and walking downstairs. I dry my face and walk downstairs after her.

"Dad i'm cold." I say.

"Hi cold, i'm Dad." He says.

"Hi Dad, i'm Gay." I say.

"Well that took a different turn." He says turning around to look at me. "Are you sure It's not just a faze?"

"Dad i'm sure, i didn't like it all at first but i have to accept it." I say looking down.

"Well i accept you son." He walks over and hugs me. I hug him back but pull away and run back up to my room.

I fall back on my bed and just lay there. I thought they would accept me. My own best friends don't accept me. How is my school gonna react? I can't face school monday! I just wont come out at school. I'll keep that a secret.

"Ugh." i groan and decide to try and destract myself by getting on my phone.

"Just got told i was friends with a queer, gross. - Micheal." He tweeted that and tagged me.

"Can't believe we were friends with that fag. - Calum."

They told the whole school. My heart shattered as i scrolled through the comments.

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