Chapter 1

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Lukes' p.o.v.

"And then Calum over here decided to faceplant a wall." Ashton said making the soccer team laugh. I'm not on the team but i'm friends with Ashton, Micheal, and Calum so I can sit with them at lunch. I poke at the mystery meat on my plate with a fork and scrunch up my nose pushing the tray away.

"I didn't faceplant the wall i gave it a hug." Calum defends himself. Ashton laughs along with the team making me smile. I pick up my book and put it in my lap trying to read. I push my glasses up and get caught in the story.

"You always have your nose in a book Hemmings." Oliver snorted.

"Maybe but at least i'm passing literature." I said not looking up from my book. Oliver messes with me all the time, this is normal.

"Whatever." He mumbles.

"Okay team, we have a game Tomorrow but before we're gonna practice before, you have to come." Micheal said, he's captain. The bell rang and everyone mumbled "okays" and ran off to their classes. I got up threw my tray away and made my way to art with Ashton and Calum trailing behind me. We're a bit late.

"Ah! How nice of you to join us Mr. Irwin, Mr. Hood, and Mr. Hemmings, take your seats before I give you detention." I ducked my head down and made my way to my seat. I really don't like being the center of attention.  Ashton and Calum took their seats next to me. We got out our sketch pads and listened for the asignment.

"Today we are drawing pictures of people we look up to/ admire. It could be a singer, auther, sports player, friend, family member, who ever. It's due on Thursday. You have Tomorrow, the weekendand and 3 days next week to finish, thats plenty of time." Mrs. Carter rambled on. "You may begin." She said and got to work with something on her desk. I stare at my notepad not knowing who to draw. I look around at everyone drawing and frown. I tap Calum.

"Who are you drawing?" I ask.

"My dad." He smiles and gets back to work.

"What about you?" I ask Ashton.

"Coach, I mean he would be easiest for me to draw." He says. I watch him as he focuses on drawing, his eyebrows furrowed. Every now and then he bit the end of his pencil. I smile finding it adorable. Wait what?

"Why are you staring at me?" He asks shaking me from my thoughts. Was i staring?

"Yes you were." He says. Did i say that out loud?

"Yes you did." He chuckles. I blush and turn my attention to my notepad. Why was i staring at him? I shook my head and jumped as the bell rang. Calum laughed and i shot him a glare.

"C'mon we have to catch the bus." Micheal jogged into the room pulling me along. Ashton drives with Calum since they live next to eachother,  Micheal and i have to ride the bus.

"Wait i need to put my stuff away!" I pulled away and opened my locker getting the things i need before joining Micheal and running out to the bus.

I took my spot in the back corner and Micheal up front with some Soccer friends. I thought back to Ashton and smiled but instantly stopped. Why did i smile when i thought of him? I shook my head again clearing the thoughts away.

"Luke get off the bus! This is your stop." The bus driver yelled at me making a few kids snicker. I grabbed my back and rushed off the bus.

"Mum i'm home!" I yelled and got no reply. "Mum?"

"In here!" I faintly heard from the basement. I walked down the stairs and found her doing laundry. "How was school?"

"Good, we have this drawing asignment and i can't deside who to draw, it has to be someone we admire." I say and fall onto the old sofa we keep down here.

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