Thirty two

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After we reached the STA hospital Olivia was taking in to see healers and I went to give my report. When I finished giving my report I was going to see Olivia again but I ran into Philip. He kept his distance from me now
"Hey." He spoke uneasy now
"Why did you lie to me?" I asked him keeping myself in check. I didn't want to loose my temper here
"I knew it I told you Olivia was being hurt you would have stopped at nothing to get her back I thought I could get there and rescue her in time. I had connection." He told me "I didn't think you would get there." He added
"I was only there by chance. I had no idea she was there. I was seconds away from beating the mother superior within an inch of her life. A split second longer and Olivia would have gotten hurt in the process." I told him getting angry.
"I'm sorry. I really am. But you have to understand the state you were in. I mean you have been crying every day for weeks because you missed Olivia. I wasn't going to tell you she was being held and tortured by a bunch of witches." He said trying to reason with me
"I don't forgive you. Not yet. I don't know if I will." I said and walked away from him.

I returned to the waiting room where mum was with a cup of coffee. I went over to the coffee machine and pressed the button for a cup of coffee.
"What's wrong?" Mum asked me now I looked at her.
"What do you want me to say? She was right there. I looked at her while she was suffering and didn't know it was her. I was there for 24hrs and had no clue Olivia was there suffering." I said angry.
"She's fine now. You saved her. You got her here to have medical treatment." Mum told me.
"It's not the point." I said angry turning back to the coffee machine. "I knew something was wrong. I knew she wasn't safe but I listened to everyone else who told me I was being paranoid. She has been suffering for a month and I could have come sooner to save her of I listened to my gut feeling." I told mum and went to sit down mum didn't say anything to me right away
"I'm going to book a hotel for us tonight." She said and walked away. I sat there alone and anxious now. I didn't know if Olivia was okay or not. I didn't know if she was healing properly or if it was more complicated now.

An hour had passed and mum hadn't come back. I didn't blame her. I wasn't the easiest person to deal with when I was upset or stressed out. I looked up when a nurse walked in she looked at me
"Gemini." She said as I got to my feet approaching her. "Olivia is ready for visitors she's still not fully healed and we are incapable of healing her further as the injuries need to heal themselves." She explained to me
"What injuries specifically?" I asked her
"The muscles strain. From being restrained in the same position for long period of time there is some muscle fatigue. Just some general movements over the next few days will help." She told me. I nodded slightly before following her to Olivia's room. She left me there because Olivia was in the shower. I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at my feather cloak. Placing my hand on it the cloak disappeared under my fingertips.
"Gem." I looked up as Olivia came out of the bathroom wearing disposable scrubs.
"Hey how are you feeling?" I asked getting your approaching her.
"I'm alright." She whispered to me. "I don't want to ask but can you buy me some clothes. I don't want to be wearing these scrubs." Olivia whispered embarrassed now
"Of course." I told her. "Mums arranging a hotel for tonight if you are up for it let's go get you some clothes now." I suggested.
"Just a set for today is fine. Tomorrow I'm going to get my things from my parents and return back to school." Olivia told me
"Are you sure that's a good idea? Going to see them?" I asked her worried now. She gave me a reassuring smile now
"When it comes down to it my parents are just human. I took pity on them for being stuck with a mundane life but after what they did I won't go back. I don't have to I am an adult so I will be cutting myself off from them." She said smiling now "it was just the push I needed. I have been wanting to do it for a while but I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. Believe they could change. But I know now they won't." Olivia added. I held her hands now
"I'm sorry it too me so long to come get you." I told her.
"Why are you apologising. It's not like you knew" Olivia told me
"I got a bad feeling when you never answered my calls or letters I thought something was wrong. But everyone convinced me it was just my imagination." I told her looking down now. "Truthfully I thought you left me. I didn't think you were coming back and it was just a fling." I whispered now. Olivia hugged me tight and I hugged her back crying now.
"I'm not going to leave you." She whispered to me. "But if we are being truthfully in then seconds you were going after mother superior I thought you were going to kill me to get to her." Olivia whispered now.
"I would never hurt you." I told her alarmed.
"I know you wouldn't intentionally. But you didn't know it was me. And the look in your eyes. I would have sworn you were going to kill her as well." Olivia told me
"I love you Olivia. Believe me when I say that. But at the same time I don't think I could kill someone to save you." I admitted. Olivia smiled at me now
"I wouldn't want you to. I know that taking someone's life is not a line you ever want to cross. I understand that. But it genuinely looked like you had lost yourself for a moment. And that scared me that I was the cause of you loosing yourself." Olivia told me. She wiped my tears away now. "I would never ask you or expect you to do something like that for me." She told me.
"I felt guilty." I said upset again "when asked if I would kill for you I felt guilty when I said no. I felt like it was the wrong answer." I whispered
"Don't you said the right thing." She told me before she kissed me now. I held Olivia close to me as I kissed her back.
"I missed you." I whispered to her.
"I missed you too." She whispered resting her head against mine her eyes were closed and I closed my eyes enjoying he touch again. "Can we go now. I want to get out of these clothes and get some actually underwear going commando is uncomfortable." She told me and I laughed now.
"Of course hun." I said smiling as we got the last of the things we could before leaving.

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