Thirty four

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Getting back to the hotel it was just after five. Going to our room Olivia just sat on the bed. I went over to her now.
"Do you want to skip dinner?" I asked her.
"No. I don't want to be the one to ruin it." She told me. I made her look at me
"You lied to me." I told her
"I didn't want you to worry." She whispered to me.
"I was already worried." I told her wiping away the couple of tears on her face. "I'm here for you just as much as you are for me liv. I don't want you to suffer in silence." I told her
"But you still have nightmares and-"
"And what? I have ptsd. I'm going to be triggered by certain things. And yes I have nightmares still they get worse the more anxious I am. But I can manage it because you helped me. So let me help you " I told her. She caved and put her head against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her head and hugged her.
"Tomorrow. You can help me tomorrow. Until then I don't want to think about it." She told me
"Okay." I told her kissing the top of her head now.
"I need a shower." She told me.
"You can't get your clothes out of the bag. If you open the bag it will spill everything out." I told her. Olivia looked at me now
"Did you do that on purpose to buy me clothes?" She asked now
"You know what I'm gonna take that." I said grinning now "I didn't think about that until then." I added amused. Olivia shook her head laughing now.
"Alright let's go then. I need clothes until I can open my bag. And I need a distraction since you won't have sex with me." She told
"My grounds still stand love. I won't let you use sex as a distraction or as an escape." I told her
"Where's the fun in that." She told me slightly annoyed now
"Simple. I want you to have sex with me because you love me. Not because you want to be distracted." I told her equally as annoyed "I don't like being used liv. And if you use me for sex I won't let you touch me again." I added
"Okay." She whispered to me now. I kissed her now.
"I love you. I really do. Please don't lie to me like that again." I whispered to her
"I love you too. And I won't." She told me hugging me again. I held her in my arms until she was ready to let go.

After Olivia had calmed down we went to the shops. It was a fancy restaurant we were going to but I had no intentions to get really dressed up. I was just going to wear some nice clothes and so was Olivia. She got a nice pair of jeans and black top with a jacket. We also got a few more pairs of clothes for her to wear over the next few days.
"What's the problem with Kyle?" Olivia asked as we grabbed our bags and left the store.
"What?" I asked her
"You seemed angry with him so what's he done?" She asked me
"Oh I found out him and Ryker are gay and in a relationship and never told me." I said casually. Olivia looked at me now
"I don't think you should say anything." She told me
"What? Why he's my brother and obviously I don't have a problem with him being gay." I told her
"that's not the point love. He might not be ready to tell anyone else. Confronting him about something like this might make him angry and defensive he might not talk to you again." Olivia told me.
"No. Just leave that conversation alone gem. I'm telling you this from experience. Don't ever force someone out of the closest. If they aren't ready to come out don't say anything. Don't even hint about the fact you know. I'm serious." Olivia told me
"Umm okay I guess if you say so." I said kind of surprise by how serious she was.
"You grew up with a supportive mum. I doubt you even had to come out of the closet." She told me.
"Not really I just brought a girl home and said she was my girlfriend." I told Olivia.
"Not everyone's that lucky hun. My parents tried to kill me for being gay. They forced me to sleep with men to fuck away the gay. And Kyle. He's been to that all boys school. I mean you were there and I heard you said you were a gay man over there." She said looking at me.
"I guess you have a good point there." I told her "I didn't think about it turning bad." I said feeling guilty now.
"Not to mention what Ryker would do. He's Royal." Olivia adddd
"Oh Ryker knows I know. He saw I saw them." I told her.
"Still not the point hun. Don't mention it. Let them bring it up." Olivia told me I nodded slightly.
"Thanks for stopping me. It could have ended bad." I told her before I yawned a bit. "I'm exhausted." I told her
"It's been a day." Olivia said as we got into a taxi and returned to the hotel.

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