Chapter 19

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Couple days later. Kayla was holding the babies and I was carrying all they're stuff. Kayla strapped the babies in and then she got in the car. Then I got in, strapped in, and started the car.
I drove home. Kayla fell asleep and so DoD the babies.
It was bout an hour or so. I arrived home. "Kayla wake up." I said
She woke up. Got Luke and Lucas out the car and I got the bags. I put the bags on the floor and Kayla went upstairs.
I walked upstairs and she saw the babies room I told all our friends to help out with. And she loved it.
It was a blue room with 2 cribs, lots of baby toys, and other things. She put the babies it he cribs. And she went to our room and fell asleep.
I was tired so I slowly fell asleep.
"My Real Life.. Starts Now..."
I said then fell asleep.

Things Happen.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora