CHAPTER 6-Reunion

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The next day arrives, and Rias is worried. Yesterday was a day she wouldn't forget. She was face to face with the most powerful being in existence. The Shadow Dragon Emperor. Everyone who's heard of the legend fears them. They've never allied themselves with any faction since Etheox was always a neutral party. Every Shadow Dragon Emperor has never been beaten. They've only died to natural causes. Even in old age they were impossible to kill. Cause Etheox always keeps them in their prime no matter what once fully trained.

Rias was in the ORC, accompanied by her peerage and their newest addition Asia. She didn't know what had happened after she... uh, died. So she has no idea why everyone is scared. To add onto the fear factor, (Y/n) is wielding a Holy Sword that was supposedly stronger than Excalibur. Kiba on the other hand thinks it's stronger then the Sword Durandal. Maybe even the Holy King Sword. That's also what has Rias confused. There is only 4 Powerful Holy swords that were known. Excalibur, Durandal, Ascalon and Caliburn. She had no idea a Fifth one existed.

Akeno: "Rias." she calls out.

Rias snapped out of her daze and looked at her best friend.

Akeno: "he's coming." she said.

Rias then started to sense his Holy Energy coming. It's clear he's making himself known. Must be so Rias can get ready for his arrival.

Rias: "he must be warning us to prepare for him. Put up a barrier just in case." she said.

Outside, (Y/n) was walking towards Kuoh. Many students were leaving the Academy due to it being the end of the day. As (Y/n) walked past them, people noticed his presence.

Girl1: "who's that?" she asks.

Girl2: "He looks young. Maybe he's a student." she said.

(Y/n) stopped and looked at her.

(Y/n): "I'm 20 years old, so no I'm not a student. I'm just here to see my sister after years of being apart. So if you'll excuse me." he said before walking away.

The students were stunned. He looks 17 but yet he's 20 years old. As he walked into Kuoh, he sensed quite a few Devils. But he also saw someone in his path so he stopped in front of them.

(Y/n): "Sona Sitri. Heiress of the Sitri Clan." he said with a stoic expression but an intimidating tone.

Sona: "Rias had already informed me you were coming." she said, stoic as ever.

(Y/n): "I want to clarify, I am not here to fight, cause trouble or anything threatening to the Gremory House or Sitri House." he said.

Sona: "I was also told you wield a Holy Sword." she said.

(Y/n): "yes I do. After all I crafted it myself and made it far more powerful than that pathetic Excalibur sword and Durandal. Caliburn is a mystery to me, so I don't know if it's stronger or not." he said. "do you know where I can find Miss Gremory?"

Sona: "Follow me." she said as she turned and walked off.

Tsubaki was also with her so the two escort him to the ORC's club house or, base. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow seeing the building.

(Y/n): "are you sure this is stable?" he asks.

Sona: "it looks better on the inside." she said.

(Y/n): "i guess I'll take your word for it." he said.

Inside the ORC, everyone was gathered. Rias, Akeno, Kiba, Koneko, Issei and Asia. They waited in silence.

Asia: "why are you all scared?" she asks. Completely clueless.