CHAPTER 11-Familiar Forest

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The ORC, Trunks and (Y/n) included, appear in front of the Familiar Forest.

Issei: "uh, where are we?" he asks.

(Y/n): "The Familiar Forest. Home to every Familiar Spirit that is known." he said.

Kiba: "Don't be scared. This is where we came to get ours too." he said.

Issei: "oh I'm cool. I mean, besides the fact that I just pissed myself." he said.

Trunks: "We did not need to know that." he said as he had a disgusted look on his face.

Asia: "this forest is really freaky." she said.

???: "Who wants me!?" a voice said in the distance.

Issei: "hey Who's there!?" he shouts.

(Y/n) grabbed Issei's head and made him look at the Familiar master.

The Towji: "The master of the familiar, aka-"

(Y/n): "hey old man." he said casually.

The Towji: "oh hi (Y/n)." he said. "how's Tsuni?"

(Y/n): "She's good. Enjoying Pokémon go?" he asked.

Towji nods.

The Towji: "if you're goal is to find Familiars galore, you've come at the right time, that's for sure! The full moon is out to help you to decided, and I'll be the one to act as your guide." he said.

Trunks: "Is he rhyming everything?" he asks.

(Y/n): "he's obsessed with rhyming things." he said casually.

The Towji: "now, how can I help you? Tell me all your wants and desires. A strong one? A fast one, one that set fires?" he asks.

Issei: "I want one with big ole' tiddies." he said.

He gets smacked hard on the head by Trunks.

Trunks: "quit being such a perv, cause next time It'll be a fist to your face and not a slap." he threatens.

Issei steps away from Trunks.

The Towji: "This is why amateurs always annoy if you're seeking something more thana toy, utilize your other head, my boy. To find the familiar who will be best fit, look for best personality, don't look for the best tits." he said. "Learned that the hard way."

(Y/n) cracked his knuckles and the Towji cowered a little. Let's just say one name. Tsunade. That's all I'll say.

Asia: "Makes sense, but I'd like one that's really cute and fun to be around." she said.

The Towji: "Done and done!" he said.

Asia: "oh! Thank you so much sir!" she said with a smile.

The Towji: "What about you two?' he asks.

(Y/n): "me and Trunks are just fine." he looked at Rias. "well regroup once we're done."

Rias nods. (Y/n) walked towards the forest as did Trunks. But Rias grabbed his wrist. Trunks looked at her.

Rias: "be careful. After seeing what (Y/n) considers training. I dread to know what he looks for in a Familiar." she said.

Trunks smiled and nods before following (Y/n) into the forest.


As the duo walk through the forest, (Y/n) had his eyes closed. Trunks was looking around.

Trunks: "Sense anything?" he asks.

(Y/n): "Nothing ye-oh hello." he said raising an eyebrow while keeping his eyes closed.