CHAPTER 20-Dragon Phoenix Tournament Part 5

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The two Dragon's glared at one another. Akeno was watching from the stands while sitting next to Rias, worried. She knew her brother was powerful, but didn't know if he was Ultimate Class Devil Powerful. Akeno looks towards where Zeus and the other God's were, and she saw Tsunade, Trunks, Neji and Vergil. Along with Vali Hercules and Thor. Tsunade had a little girl next to her. She looked almost like a clone of Tsunade, but she had (Y/n)'s amber colored eyes. She wore similar clothing to Tsunade. This is Tsuni. the daughter of Tsunade and (Y/n).

Rias follows Akeno's gaze and sees (Y/n)'s Team. She sees Trunks and faintly blushes since he wasn't wearing his jacket. Just the black shirt underneath. Everyone's attention is turned back to the arena.

(Y/n): "I'll be nice and let you take the first strike." he said.

Tannin: "that'll be your biggest mistake!!" he shouted as he rushed (Y/n).

Riser grinned confidently. Tannin roars as he throws a fist at (Y/n). (Y/n) dodges the fist with ease. Tannin tried to blast him with fire, but that was a bad idea.

Etheox: "Absorb!" he shouts.

The flames go into (Y/n)'s armor before he aims a hand at Tannin.

Etheox: "Release!" he shouts.

Tannin was forced back from the redirected fire blast from (Y/n).

Most of the spectators were shocked.

Hercules: "haha! His most iconic technique!" he exclaims.

Neji: "I never saw (Y/n) use this. What is it?" he asks.

Thor: "thanks to being the Shadow Dragon Emperor, his strongest technique allows him to absorb the power of an attack or of a person. He can either apply it to himself or send it back out like you just saw. a rare case, if he absorbs someone's power, he'll get their techniques. It's how he can use Light Spears. He's absorbed the power of hundreds of Rogue Fallen Angels." he said.

Tsuni: "Daddy looks so cool!" she said, referring to his Balance Breaker.

Tannin: "Gah, I should have expected you to use that." he said.

(Y/n): "Then stop underestimating me." he said. "Because I wont hold back next time."

Tannin: "Wait you were holding back!?" he exclaimed.

(Y/n): "Of course I was. Hello, I fought the God's." he said.

Tannin growls at him before using his wings and charging (Y/n). But before he reached (Y/n), he shouts something.

(Y/n): "Imperial Core!" he shouts.

His shined brightly once more and Tannin halted his advance. The glow subsides and he is in his Shadow Dragon Imperial Core Armor.

(Y/n): "I'm ending this here." he said.

(Y/n) rushes Tannin and punches him into the ground of the arena. (Y/n) begins to barrage Tannin with punches while pummeling him into the ground.

Heimdall: "Seems this fight is turning out to be another Victory for (Y/n)'s Team!!" he announces.

Riser clenches his fists.

Riser: "JUST DO IT ALREADY TANNIN!!!" he shouted.

Tannin went to smack (Y/n) but, (Y/n) flew back and dodged it. Tannin gets off the ground and looks at (Y/n) who just hovers in the air.

Tannin: "I know that I shouldn't do this, but, I have always wished to beat the Shadow Dragon Emperor." he said.

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow from under the armor. Tannin then pulls out a vial. (Y/n)'s confused expression from under the helmet turns to anger. Tannin was about to use the Phenex Tears but the vial is blown to bits by a thin Ki beam. Everyone looks and sees Trunks in Super Saiyan.