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I don't like roses,

Never liked them in my life.

You don't know that, right?

Because you used to buy me bouquets,

Filled with those red flowers,

And I,

I used to lie;

Saying "I love them".

Along the way, I started to like them,

I started to like, those petals that fall everywhere,

I started to like that red color,

I started to like the fragrance that reminded me of death.

I said, "I love them."

While in reality there was only one thing I loved,


Emily's note:

One of our common friends got us together. And he was the most amazing person I saw in my entire life. He was sweet and gentle and his smile; his smile was the most beautiful thing. His face would glow when his lips curved up and it make the entire room radiant. We date for a year. It was just perfect.

He used to buy me roses. It is a common misconception that everyone like roses. I never like them; I remember them lying on my grandma's grave when I was young and they always smelled like death to me. But for the first time when he bought me roses, he wore that delicious smile and his eyes were sparkling. My heart skipped a beat and without realizing I said "I love them." And he said, "I knew you'd like them." And it started from them. him buying me roses.

At first, the spell would wear off when he would leave, so I would throw them away. But with time I started to like them. With time they stopped smelling like death, they started smelling like him. They started to remind me of him. And with time I truly started to love them.

But just like every perfect thing we ended too. He was even gentle when he left me, making sure I would not get hurt. He was always sweet.

From time to time the memories come flooding back. And the roses still remind me of him, and I don't know whether I hate them or love them.

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