Chapter 8: Home Again

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They returned to the shack a little afternoon on the fourth day. Robbie went to his house and Wendi went to hers. Venessa had accomplished her mission, she was now friends with about half of the cypher zodiac people and she had made an ally out of Gideon.

When she returned home from the camping trip her father asked if she had learned anything else about the people like what symbol they represented.

Venessa draws a line from Soos to the question mark and from Dipper to the pine tree.

He frowns. "That's it? That's all you learned?"

She shrugs. "They don't talk about it much." She says. "But these two wear the symbols on their clothes."

Samuel nods. "Ok. Any news about when these other two are going to be coming back into town?"

She shrugs. "They are supposed to be back from traveling in a week or so." She replies. She looks at their notes. "Have you made any progress on the whereabouts of the amulet?"

Samuel shakes his head. "It's all gibberish." He mumbles.

Venessa frowns. "So we are still stuck as monsters." She huffs and crosses her arms.

Samuel frowns slightly. "For now. But it will be ok. We can't age in this state so we have plenty of time."

Venessa frowns. "I'm going to see Gideon. It's nearly time to call in my favor so I need to make sure he is still on board." She takes a ring from the cupboard toward the magic circle and sits it down in the center. She casts magic on it to help Gideon with his insight.


She takes the ring to Gideon's tent and finds another line outside. This time instead of waiting she walks right in. Gideon is with somebody holding their hand and concentrating very hard.

"I see... a dog I think." He says.

"My dog's sparkles just passed last week." The lady says.

Gideon nods. "Seems like your dog is pretty happy. He wants you to know you don't have to worry about him anymore because Buster is taking care of him." He raises an eyebrow. "Who is buster?"

The lady begins to cry. "Buster was my dad's dog. He was with our family for 15 years before he got hit by a car. If this is true then sparkles is in good hands." She wipes her eyes and places a few coins in a jar. "Thank you." She exits the tent through the front.

Gideon frowns slightly. "I'm too young to be this overworked." He mumbles. "Oh hi Venessa." He finally sees her there.

She hands him the ring. "Use it wisely." She says. "All magic has a price."

Gideon takes the ring. "This looks kind of tacky." He mumbles slipping it on.

"It doesn't matter if it looks tacky." She replies. "Don't overdo it." She waits for a moment and then she motions toward the door. "Don't forget you owe me a favor."

Gideon looks at Venessa and a sudden understanding washed over him. "Venessa. I thought your mind would be harder to read." After a moment he frowns. "Oh... are you going to be ok?"

Venessa frowns. "It's not a big deal." She turns and leaves.

Gideon stares at the door after her. He didn't understand how to react to the things he felt from her. He felt her loss and almost felt like he understood it. He hadn't gotten the whole picture, only that she had friends who died. He had also felt she didn't have a very good relationship with her dad. After a moment he walks to the tent exit. "Next." He calls.

For a ten years old he sure runs a lucrative business.

Vanessa walks down the street. She sees a few couples walking and holding hands, a few give kisses, others are just talking and having fun. Down the street a young child was walking with his dad and the kid was happily pointing at shop windows.

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