Darkness Falls 2(Chapter 4)

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Wendy and Soos run the shop normally while Mabel and her friends hang out in a bunch of different places and never seem to really be at the shack. Dipper continues to hang out with Jean and Devon and everyday tells them a new story with a new location of a creature he encountered last summer. Robbie told Vanessa about Wendy thinking the two guys were up to something and Vanessa agreed.

"I don't know how to explain it but I got a very bad feeling right after you got that phone call. I spoke with Dipper yesterday. Something does seem a bit off but I'm not sure how to put my finger on it." she says.

Robbie nods, crossing his arms. "I went to talk to them At the hotel and they weren't there. I've been looking all over town for their car but it's like they vanished after they dropped Dipper off."

Venessa frowns slightly as she puzzles. "I've noticed something else odd. Creatures have become restless these last few days. The molemen especially. They've moved closer to town." She says with a sigh. "Mother is worried too. She's been placing protective spells around the house. She won't say why but I know something is bothering her."

Robbie nods. "That can't be good. too bad you can't fly anymore."

She nods in agreement. "Yes, I sort of became accustomed to being able to fly whenever I needed it. I can use a spell to fly but it's much more of a challenge than when I just had wings."

Robbie glances around the yard of the witches home. The candy and other sweets that had once been the walls and walkway had now been replaced with wood and stone bricks. It actually looked really nice now. "I think we should check the creatures again."

Venessa nods. "Ok let me grab the book." She heads inside to grab the book off the table by the door. Greg, her brother, was standing there looking at the pages inside the book. "I need that to make my rounds."

Greg flips through the pages quickly and hands her the book. "Nessa." He mumbles, glancing toward the door. "Something is wrong. There is an unbalance. I'm sure you've sensed it."

She nods. "Yes I have noticed. Nature is warning us about something. I'm just not sure what."

Greg nods. "I don't know either. I'm going with mom to try to figure it out after dark." He glances toward the den. "How are things going with your new friends?"

She smiles lightly. "I'm happy. I missed the companionship of having people to talk to." She says. "It's nice to have people to confide in and to support me." She of course was referring to the people who normally hung around the mystery shack, such as the Pines family, Wendy, and Soos.

Greg still hung out with Pacifica from time to time but she had moved on to trying to fix someone else so she didn't really have time for Greg anymore. He was beginning to feel lonely without anyone at all to talk to because his sister, who had been his only friend, now had her own friends.

"I'll be back tonight around sundown." She says. "If I don't run into you before you leave just be careful ok?"

Greg nods in response. He wouldn't tell her how he felt because he knew she was happier and he didn't want to spoil that for her.

Venessa leaves with Robbie while Greg watches quietly.

"You should go into town and try to make some friends." Trisha says, appearing on the steps. "There isn't any reason for you not to have your own group of friends."

Greg frowns glancing away. "I don't need friends. I've seen what it does to Nessa. It makes her weak."

His mother chuckles slightly. "Maybe I should make it an order, but I'm not your father. Friendship doesn't make you weak, it makes you strong." After a moment of laughing she waves her hand and the door opens. "Go try at least. Walk around. Get to know some locals. I'm sure there is at least one person out there for you."

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