Chapter 14 (6-9-2022)

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Three days go by Greg and Venessa have no idea their father is working with Frank Cipher on a new plan. They are just hanging out with Robbie believing Frank was long gone and that their dad was just crazy.

-mystery shack-

Dipper enters the main room of the mystery shack. "Hey Wendy, I haven't seen Robbie in a few days. Has he been by?"

Wendy shakes her head. "No, I haven't seen him in three days. Last I heard he was taking Venessa to the diner."

Dipper raises an eyebrow. "He always stops by even if he's busy."

Wendy nods. "I know I'm starting to worry."

The door rings as Robbie's parents enter the shack looking a little lost.

Dipper frowns. "Oh that's not a good sign."

Robbie's mother walks up to the front counter. "Wendy. Have you seen Robbie? He hasn't been home for a few nights. I know he sometimes stays here."

Wendy frowns slightly. "I'm sorry ma'am I haven't seen him."

Robbie's mother looks at her husband with worry. "He isn't here either."

Robbie's father frowns looking around, he wasn't a fan of the fake monsters and all the little things that were supposed to scare people. "Lets try the jail again." The two leave.

Wendy looks at Dipper. "Robbie hasn't been home."

Dipper nods towards the basement. "I'm going to get Ford."

"Why?" Wendy questions.

Dipper turns to her from the basement door. "Something isn't right." He disappears down stairs. "Ford."

Ford steps over from his writing about the mothman. "Dipper?"

Dipper nods. "Robbie is missing, his parent's haven't seen him in three days. He was last seen with Venessa."

Ford frowns. "You think she kidnapped him?"

Dipper shrugs. "Nobody has seen her around either."

Ford puts down his equipment and walks to the board. "We hadn't ruled out succubus."

Dipper frowns. "We need to search around in the woods. Maybe it has something to do with that animal he said he saw out there before?"

Ford nods. "Maybe." He thinks for a moment. "Venessa drew the creature Robbie saw in the forest." He pulls out his copy of her journal. "It looks like her."

Dipper looks over the drawing. "It does kind of." He looks it over and in the light from the desk he sees a sort of weird glow. "There is something else written but I can't see it." He turns the book every way imaginable but even though he can see it glistening he can't read it.

Ford takes a black light from his desk and shines it over the page. "This could do something."

When he does the page lights up with words.

"Oh I see! She wrote in invisible ink." Ford says.

Robbie doesn't realize he saw me in the forest that day. He said the creature was terrifying. Would he run if he knew it was me this whole time?

Ford thinks about this. "So she is a monster. With horns and fangs and wings like a devil. She hides it well enough." He looks at the board again. "But that can't be everything?"

Dipper shines the black light on all the pages and comes up with nothing. In the back of the book he finds a drawing of herself holding Robbie's hand. He raises an eyebrow. "Did you see this back here in the back of the book?"

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