Chapter 18: (6-12-2022)

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Robbie spent the entire day hanging out at the mystery shack. He had all the journals except for the third one because Ford was still working on his Witch entry.

"So they went to Massachusetts?" Ford asks.

Robbie nods. "Can I ask you something?"

Ford nods. "Are you going to answer my question first?"

Robbie stops spinning around in the chair and gets really serious. "I want to tell Venessa that I think I love her."

Ford raises an eyebrow. "Oh. that is serious. You guys haven't even been together a month yet?"

"I'm aware." Robbie says. "But I can't help how I feel."

Ford smirks slightly. "Are you going to wait till after the red moon?"

"I was hoping to tell her as soon as she returns but tomorrow is the red moon and I don't want to cause a distraction. She needs to focus on her plan." Robbie says. "I can tell her when everything is finished."

"So why did she go to Massachusetts?" Ford asks.

Robbie nods. "She's trying to summon back the souls of her friends that passed away. Something or someone is controlling most of the soul fragments though so she wasn't able to free them. We think it's Frank. Once he is weakened we'll be able to free the other souls."

Ford nods. "But she told you not to say anything to anyone in case their minds get invaded." Ford picks up his memory gun. It was broken so he couldn't use it right now. "You need to be careful Robbie. That information is precious." he tosses the broken raygun on the desk.

Robbie nods. "I only told you because you have a steel plate in your head." Robbie grabs a piece of round tin foil off the desk and folds it over his head. "There. Memory is on lock."

Ford laughs slightly. "You kids are hilarious."

-later that night-

Venessa and her brother find the statues scattered around and they use magical pocket doors to transport them. They even manage to find the box containing pieces of clothing and a couple small pieces of jewelry. The two traveled home by flight because as far as they know living things can't go through the magical pocket doors.

They arrive back in town at about 6am the day of the red moon. They then went to the garden and took those statues as well.

"You kids want to explain why there are nearly 20 statues littering my lawn?" Samuel questioned.

"They want to help." Venessa says. "I'll handle the summoning. Did you fix the spell?"

Her dad nods. "I think so." he sighs slightly. "This is very dangerous. Are we sure this plan will work?"

"It has too." Venessa says. They set up the statues outside.

Frank sees them and investigates. "New lawn ornaments?" he questions.

"Well I think we need a few statues." Samuel says. "The lawn is just too bare."

"It is kind of bland." Frank mumbles. He starts to examine them but Samuel has a clever plan to make Frank go away.

"You could help since you're here." Samuel says. "Lift that one over there would you?" he points over by a far away tree.

"I would love to do that but I uuuuuuugggg just remembered I left my oven on." Frank says disappearing quickly.

It takes them about an hour to set up all the statues in a row outside. Venessa then takes all the little personal stuff she had and sets it out on the ground near the statues. Greg brings the braziers and Samuel grows the herbs they'll need for the summoning.

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