Darkness Falls 2 (Chapter 7)

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Greg had some of his energy back now he wanted to go home but Wendy advised him not to push himself. Of course as soon as he had the energy he healed his other injuries and then left. He returned home to his mother and found her pacing back and forth worried because neither of her children had checked in yet.

"Oh you're in the Den." Greg says walking in.

"There you are!?" Trisha says fretting. "Why are you covered in blood?!?"

Greg looks down at the dry blood all over his body. "Oh yeah I fought a wolfman." He says. "No big deal, I'm alright really." He explains how he'd made some friends like she asked him too and that by the end of the day he trusted them enough to tell them the truth.

"I knew you were just like your sister." His mother chuckles. "Here, let's clean you up and we'll go see what all the fuss is about in the western woods." She flicks her hand and his clothes are free of all blood stains that had been his own.

There was one stain that would not come out and it was from a claw mark over his arm. "Odd. I can't lift that one."

"I don't know if I'm right but while I was laying bleeding Dipper's adult friends dripped phoenix tears on my arm to heal my wounds." He says looking at the stain. "My arm was pretty mangled before then and I was unconscious so I didn't see what they did."

She frowns slightly. "Oh well that explains it. Phoenix tears leave a residue on clothing that not even magic can remove. I wonder where they found something so rare." She mumbles, placing her hand on her chin as she thinks. "I didn't think any still existed in this realm.

Greg nods. "Has Venessa been home yet?"

His mother shakes her head. "No. I haven't heard from her all day."

Greg frowns slightly. "They went to bear cove to ask a population of mole people why they had moved closer to town." He says. "She promised she would be careful but maybe something happened?"

Her mother nods. "Mole people usually don't attack and I'm sure she took precautions as well. But something foul drifts on the air. They have a good sense for things like that and it might cause them agitation."

Greg glances at the door. "I felt it to. Something is coming or is already here. Something dangerous."

"We should locate Nessa as soon as possible." Their mother says.

The two leave the house and Trisha uses the tracking spell to find her daughter.

Venessa was ready to enact their plan. First they would mind switch Robbie into the body of one of the hunters and have him open the semi trailers. Venessa would use magic again to unlock the cell they were being kept in and then she would open up the gnome cages and they would probably start running around all crazy which could distract the camp full of hunters. With everyone not paying attention she would be free to break out of the cell and switch Robbie back.

"It would be so helpful if I had learned the sleep fog spell father was trying to teach me." She says watching the men walk around seemingly without aim. "They'll come after us but if we can get back to the shack they might just give up."

Robbie nods. "And we promised Barnabas we would take him with us."

She nods. "That complicates things a bit." She looks at the mirror. "Maybe I could free the spirit from the mirror?"

Barnabas hears them talking. "Oh if it is to cemplex you can just leave me here."

"Don't you want to leave?" Robbie asks.

"Of course but this is my eternal punishment for betraying my friend." Barnabas says. "I considered us even but fate it seems did not."

Venessa frowns slightly. "We hated you for 300 years. But even my father had to admit it was our fault for attacking you. Would you have let us free if we had not?"

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