Darkness Falls 2 (Chapter 10)

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While the group is passed out Jean searches the home the group finds the cages in the basement along with the cut up animals and they bring the cages up stairs to hold their prisoners.

Jean glues a few magic talismans on the cages because he isn't sure who is human and who is a witch.

The first one to wake up was Robbie. He looks up at the top of the cage and frowns. "Oh man this isn't good."

Stanford had been awake the whole time and was sitting in his cage leaning against the bars staring towards the basement door.

"Ford?" Robbie mumbles.

Ford nods slightly. "I was wondering when everyone was going to start waking up. He glances at Robbie. "Why are there dead animals hanging from the ceiling in the basement?"

"They cure the meat down there while they prepare to eat it. Something about getting nature's permission to consume it or something." He says, rubbing his head. "I feel like I got hit by a train."

"You'd probably be dead if you got hit by a train." Ford says. "Or did you just mean you feel unwell?"

Robbie frowns. "I feel unwell." He looks around the room now. The group was in the din in the cages just like they'd been before when Samuel had captured them. He looks over each one. "Even Dipper?"

Ford nods. "They took Justin to the basement. They've been down there for a long time." He looks at robbie. "You can hear him whimpering."

Robbie nods slightly. "They won't kill him will they?"

"I don't know." Ford shakes his head. "They didn't hurt any of us. But I still don't understand why."

A new triangle shaped guy that is blue enters the room having floated down from one of the upper floors. He hovers around for a moment and then sits on top of Stanford's cage. "Hello Stanford."

Stanford stares at the blue triangle. "Ug... hi?"

"Oh we've never met." He says with a chuckle. "But I know all about you. Bill talked incessantly about his favorite human. I'm Bill's brother Jeff." He says looking over at the witches who were laying still in the bottoms of their cages. "And this must be the family Frank spoke so highly of."

"Wait... just how many of you guys are there?!" Ford questions.

Jeff nods and begins floating about again. "How many well... I guess just four now since you killed my brothers." He hovers over by the witches. "They freed themselves of the curse I see."

Vanessa sits up now rubbing her head. "Man what was in those darts?"

Jeff smiles slightly. "You are an interesting specimen."

Vanessa jumped slightly as she was startled by Jeff's appearance; she mistakenly thought he was Frank for a second.

"Relax, child." Jeff chuckles. "I'm just observing."

"That's Jeff." Robbie says. "He just introduced himself to us before you woke up."

Vanessa frowns. "What are you doing here? What do you want from us?"

Jeff nods. "This wasn't my idea." Jeff replies. Jean is the mastermind here. I just lend him my magic."

Vanessa growls. "You're the one that's been teaching these humans to hunt down creatures?!"

"Guilty." Jeff chuckles. "Soooo which one of you killed Frank?"

Vanessa glanced towards the window. "Are you going to hurt us if we did?"

Jeff shrugs. "No. You got him out of my way. Frank was always such a bully." He laughs. "I'm glad he's gone." He glances at Ford. "But Bill on the other hand. The older brother who left the house first and was always my mother's favorite."

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