Chapter 11: (5-29-2022)

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Greg, Venessa's brother, was pretending to be a cool teenager leaning against a post near the northwest manor gate. He had used magic to make himself appear 16, an age he chose because he was sure that would appeal to his target.

He had learned some behavior from watching the movie grease and other films from that time in which the main character was always leaning on something because they thought it made them appear cool. His job was to try to get Pacifica to befriend him which he knew from watching her would not be an easy task.

Every movie she mentioned he watched it. Every item of food she talked about, he tried it, in order to figure out what sorts of things he could trick her into believing.

With his hair looking dangerous and his personality sort of mysterious and his overall vibe being bad boy. he was sure she would have her interest peaked.

As she exited the gate to go mini golfing she saw him standing there. She realized she didn't know this person so he must be new. She had two tall guards with her that presumably was personal security but they also carried her golf clubs for her. She turns to the other guard. "Who is that?"

The guard shrugs. "I don't know, miss."

She starts walking toward Greg. "Excuse me. You can't loiter here. This is private property."

Greg smirks slightly. "The other side of the gate might be but you don't have any real authority over me where I'm standing."

She pouts slightly. "You will move. I will not be forced to look at rift raft all day out my windows."

Greg just smirks again, narrowing his sunglasses slightly. "You want me to move? Make me."

She was furious at him not obeying her but she also realized she couldn't make him move. Her eyes catch her golf clubs. "How about a bet then. If you can beat me in minigolf I wont say anymore, but if I win then you have to go away forever."

He glances at the guards. Their expression indicated they were worried about this bet. Possibly because they knew it was a foolish bet to make. He smirks slightly. "Alright. Sounds like a plan." He didn't know what minigolf was but he was able to do any and all kinds of magic to help him cheat.

She thought she had him beat already because she had reached an agreement with the tiny golfball people that live inside all the equipment at the minigolf place. They help her win in exchange she has a person to bring them food and drinks, that haven't been left all over the ground and been walked on by children. She also made a considerable donation to the minigolf course to fund a new hole addition in which the golf ball people could enjoy almost like a resort. She had a different hole removed and replaced it with a new 'Beach theme'.

It was a hollow lighthouse with hotel style rooms and a full functioning bar with a spot for the lilliputians that had used to live in the original 9th hole to work as well as relax. In exchange they had all agreed they loved Pacifica now. She also gave them some sparkly stickers.

The two walk there with her two bodyguards close behind.

When they arrive she sets up the first hole tee. "I'll go first." She says. She puts a bright pink ball on the mat and takes position. She shoots the ball into the Water tower and after a moment the ball comes out the other side and into the hole. "Score one for me." She smirks.

Greg has a greenball he borrowed. He also didn't have his own clubs so he had to borrow some of those as well. He realized without asking that the goal was to get the ball into the hole in as few moves as possible. He lined up his shot and slammed the ball as hard as he could.

The green ball flew into the hole of the Water tower and knocked around loudly for a moment before slowly making its way out the back falling just short of the hole. Greg used magic to give the ball a bump sending it into the hole.

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