Prologue to Adventure

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(forget everything you think you know. forget about my other gravityfalls story because this one is going to be what that one was supposed to be but it fell way short of where i wanted it to be at.)

Robbie is bored and decides to go to the mystery shack to talk to wendy. He'd never admit it out loud but he still kinda liked her, not that it mattered in the slightest since she was already seeing somebody else. Robbie on the other hand was taking a break from dating after a not so great break up with Tambry, who, honestly wasn't great anyways. 

Robbie opens the front door of the mystery shack and hears the ting of the small bell on top of the door as it let's everyone inside know that somebody had just opened the door.

"Robbie bro! haven't seen ya in awhile." Soos says from behind the counter raising his hand half way up in a half excited wave to his friend. 

"Soos man..." Robbie nods slightly and then glances towards the back doorway leading into the living space of the small shack. "weird, i-is wendy not here today?" he asks looking around the room.

"na man didn't you hear? she got that flu that's been spreading around town this week." Soos frowns. "she called in this morning. seems like everyone is getting sick these days."

"aww man that's a bummer." Robbie frowns putting his hands in his pockets. "i was hoping she'd be here so i could ask her what to do."

"what to do?" Soos questions.

"i'm bored man i don't have anything going on and i'm kind of struggling in this place i'm in right now..." he shrugs and slumps backwards against the counter. "i'm not really good at anything and i'm out of stuff to try."

"excuse me sir does this shirt come in extra small?" a lady in the back calls waving towards the front counter.

"display models one size the rest are in the closet." Robbie replies before Soos can answer the question. then he glances over at Soos and shrugs. "but yeah so... i was just hoping she'd be here to talk at least."

"hey does this painting back here come on a bumper sticker?" a man in a plaid shirt asks holding up a painting of some trees.

"ummm...." Soos glances at the bumper stickers. "i don't think so..." he mumbles.

"if you give me about five minutes man i can make any bumper sticker ya want." Robbie says pointing with his thumb to a copy machine. "things been rigged up to print all kinds of stuff."

"that'd be great! thanks man." the man hands the painting to robbie and then goes to look at other stuff in the shack. 

Robbie turns around and sets the painting on the printer and after hitting a few buttons a shiny bumper sticker comes out with the picture of the trees on it. "nice."

"h-how did you know it does that?" Soos questions.

"dude i hang out here constantly when wendy is busy." Robbie smirks and sets the bumper sticker on the counter. "i pretty much know this place like my own hand... oh hey is that new? what is that?" Robbie asks admiring the big iron clad door where the vending machine used to be. 

"yeah bro that ol snack machine donked out on me so we had to get rid of it." Soos shrugs holding up a key. "of course the stuff inside is still very secret so we had to put something there to keep people from wandering down there."

"what's down there?" Robbie asks intrigued.

"duuuuh i just told you is a secret." Soos chuckles and puts the key in a drawer behind the counter. "by the by dood you ever think about working at the shack? you seem to know a lot about everything here and i could use the fill in for wendy while she's sick."

"i guess it couldn't hurt." Robbie nods. "but only until wendy gets better." he takes a few steps around the counter, but Soos stops him. "what man?"

"you need a uniform to stand there buddy." he points at the question mark shirt he's wearing. "and we have a no hoodie policy."

"whatever..." Robbie rolls his eyes and grabs a uniform shirt. he changes in the back room leaving his hoodie on the back of the sofa.


after working the rest of the day Robbie is getting ready to go home for the night when he catches a glimpse of the big iron door again. Curiosity gets the better of him and he decides to open it and see what's down there. he takes the key Soos had hidden in the drawer and opens the door with it and then makes his way downstairs. "weird place to have in an old store. what is this some kind of freaky storage basement?" he walks into the secret underground lab. "freaky." 

on the table are three journals with golden six fingered hand prints with the numbers 1.2. or 3 written on each book. "oh hey i recognize this!" Robbie grumbles picking up journal number 3. "this is that book Dipper went nuts for all last summer... I thought he said he got rid of these though?"

As Robbie begins turning the pages he becomes completely convinced that the stuff inside can't possibly be real until he comes across a page with a picture of bill cypher on it. "ah!?" Robbie drops the book wensing back from it as he re-called the monstrous demon with the one eye who had come and turned everyone in town into stone and unleashed a crazy amount of weird stuff.

After a few moments Robbie picks the book back up and dusts it off with his hand before setting it back on the table. "I don't know why these are down here but they are probably safe enough locked behind a big thick door." he glances around the room his gaze resting on what appears to be a 38 sided dice. "OH SWEET!" he instantly grabs it from it's case to look at it. "i've never actually seen one up close before." he muses over the dice with the weird symbols that for some reason seem to be ever changing. "weird... i wonder how lucky it is?" he gives it a toss on the top of the desk and it rolls a hollow star shape inside a circle with a small upside down keyhole in the middle. "oookaaaay... that isn't a number... i wonder if this thing is just like a shelf decoration type thing." he shakes his head and puts the dice back in the cabinet. 


not far away from the shack in a remote heavily wooded area near the roadside a dimensional rift opens up spilling a group of four humanoid looking creatures out of the air and onto the roadside.

"what?! where are we?" the older man growls rubbing his head. "what just happened?"

"i have no idea?!" the older looking woman replied coldly looking around.

"welcome... to gravity falls, oregon... tourist attraction mystery shack first right... come see a bunch of weird stuff... no refunds..." the young girl reads out loud. "father I believe we are... back on earth somehow."

"very good find Vanessa." her father chuckles looking at the sign. "that ol barnaby Pines thought he could banish us forever but we're back."

"with a bloodlust!" the brother of the family chuckles darkly.

"beware Pines... we will get our revenge." the father says with a grin.

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