Darkness Falls 2 (Chapter 9)

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(I sort of forgot to write about the bad guys going to hunt for the Molemen because I wanted to do something else. They never went to the mole man cave because they felt it was most likely not a real location.)

Venessa was getting ready to take her spell to her mother at the house in the woods. She would take Justin there so they could contain him if need be. Robbie, Stanford, and Dipper decided to go with her. To some degree all those that are part of the weird zodiac can channel magic but they can't tap into it like witches can. They can't do spells or anything like that.

The group walk into the main foyer of the Victorian style home. Justin had been quiet the whole walk through the woods but now that they were inside he was acting weird. Vanessa glances over at the basement door. "Robbie, I'm going to set up in the din. Can you bring me some meat from the freezer down the stairs?"

Robbie nods. "Of course." He and Dipper go down to the basement to get some meat. "Spooky basement." Robbie mumbles looking around. It was dark and there were a lot of cobwebs. The two used their phone flashlights to look around.

"Is it just me or is it really cold in here?" Dipper questions watching his breath float through the air. His flashlight finds the cages that had once held all the people associated with the weird zodiac.

"It is cold." Robbie nods. "Luckily I have my hoodie." They find a dead full deer hanging from the rafters of the basement. "Oh that's nasty..." he mumbles.

Greg was there cutting up some fish. "Oh hey guys." he says with a grin. "Need something?"

"Bro... why is there a dead deer hanging from the ceiling?" Robbie questions.

"Oh I caught it this morning." Greg says. "Haven't had a chance to cut it up yet. Are you looking for something?"

Robbie nods slowly. "Yeah Nessa sent us to bring some meat upstairs."

"Oh." he nods, going to the back of the room. "You're probably wanting this then." he hands Robbie a huge chunk of raw meat wrapped up in a thin wax paper. "I'm assuming for the wolfman?"

"Oh that makes sense." Robbie nods.

Dipper looks around with his flashlight. "Why are you craving fish and deer in the basement?"

"Well I didn't want to get blood all over my bedroom and it was really easy to manipulate the temperature in the basement to keep it fresh until I finished preparing it for mom to cook." Greg replies.

"Oh I see." Dipper slowly nods. "So this is just... you making dinner? Ok that's a bit less weird." he pauses for a moment. "But why not just get a freezer?"

Greg shrugs. "Why would I need a freezer? I have magic."

"Why not use magic to cut the animals up?" Robbie asks.

Greg nods as he strips the scales off the fish with his knife. "This is a very delicate process during which we carefully bless the deceased animal. I may have killed it but I need to make sure to properly thank it for feeding us. To use magic for such a task would bring bad luck to our home."

"Oh I see." Robbie nods. "So you do it the old way like this to thank it for its service basically."

Greg nods. "You should probably get that upstairs before the wolf bites my sister."

Robbie turns towards the door. "Alright catch you later man."

Upstairs Vanessa has drawn the power circle with a few symbols in the center. Justin is pacing back and forth. Robbie comes in with the package of meat. "What did you want me to do with this?"

Justin turns slightly sniffing the air. "Is that for me?"

Vanessa nods. "Give it to Justin. You probably don't want to look while he eats it. I imagine it's going to be messy."

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